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lazy good-for-nothing degenerate thieves


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it's hard enough getting up in the mornings whilst daylight savings is fresh upon us. this morning was especially hard as i awoke to find one of the windows on my truck smashed and various tools and personal items stolen. things could certainly have been worse though. at any one time i carry about $10k worth of tools in my truck, luckily i had recently removed quite a few and the low-lives in question obviously had no idea of what was worth anything. all they took by way of tools was my nail gun (luckily i have a spare). that said i will have to get the window fixed, work out and catalogue what has been stolen and contact my insurance company (tools aren't covered as my excess is more than the guns value). this means missing a days work, a concept very foreign to the thieving little punks responsible. :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry :an!gry

that said it is a nice sunny day and i have the day off now, so once if got everything sorted i think i'll take the dog for a walk and get some work done on the fish shed. gotta grab hold of those silver linings eh.

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Gutted mate :( I hope you manage to sort everything out today and have a good day off in spite of it all.. I will ask but it is a bit of a joke but did anyone see anything and did you ring the police? I don't even know if they attend burglaries any-more do they?

To hurry you along on the fishroom building there are some very fat apisto females looking very interested in their males sitting in my tanks waiting for you lol

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Not sure about vehicles but they do attend house burglaries if they have the resources. They unfortunately didn't have a dog unit free two Saturdays ago when our house was broken into so the only cop that came over was the guy to do the fingerprinting of the window.

Thieves don't give a damn. :an!gry :evil: I'm still having to sleep in my 7yo daughters bedroom every night because she is scared someone is going to break in and steal her. I'm hoping once the locks are put onto all the windows that she will be ok. Otherwise I'm going to have to get victim support over to talk to her I think :(

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Sorry to hear that :an!gry

I'm glad you can see the silver lining! I'm sure the dog and the fish shed appreciate having an extra day's attention.

A "got you" story...

When I was a younger chap, some one tried breaking through my bedroom window, while I was sleeping.

Step dad had a baseball bat under his bed... he came in and smashed the hand of the would be thief as it came through the window to have another go at window lock that was on the window. Then my step dad proceeded to run outside to chase the guy down.... unfortunatley we lived next to a big bush area, so he got away.

Never had a problem after that. So occasionally they get their comeuppance.

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went to the police station to file a report. there's not really anything they can do. it happened sometime between 10:30pm last night and 6 this morning, so noone would have seen anything. replacement glass has been ordered and the window temporarily patched up. all the broken glass cleaned up. the shed is lined, the dog is walked. even managed to get a wof done and do the shopping. by shopping i mean food shopping and a couple of u.v filters for the apisto tanks (aquaworld has got some good deals on). should have time to do some water changes and still get a nap in before cooking tea.

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