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never got frys?

discus wanna hatch

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To get the eggs fertilised you must first be sure at least one of the fish is male :wink:

+1 you may have 2 females and still be getting eggs that aren't fertile.

The temp should be 28C+ and pH should be around 6.5. Anyone agree?

If the eggs aren't fertilized there is nothing you can do.





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even i keep swapping boyfriend for female discus the result is white egg after 2 day = ( .

may be temptures is way too high . i switch on 30 - 31 ..

hopefully will hatch one day = ( .

Not quite sure what you mean by the above. Discus like the temp between 28-30 degrees and a pH of around 6. You need to leave the pair (1 male and 1 female) in the tank together so one (female) lays the eggs and the other (male) fertilises them. If they are going white they are not being fertilised successfully, if at all.

Often people buy a pair (two) fish but they are not a confirmed breeding pair (as in have raised live fry).

Young fish who have not bred before can take several attempts before they are successful.

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30 - 31 is way too high, generally they will go off spawning at that temp

27 - 28 is way better,I keep mine at 27

Possible causes are,2 females,Male to young,Male not interested,tds too high,

not so much ph but a lower ph is definately more suitable

Make sure your water conditions are tip top!

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