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Bichirs vs Plecos. Sensible?


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On other forums people seem to think that mixing plecos with bichirs is a bad thing because the plecos sometimes try to suck the slime coat off the bichirs. Has anyone here had that issue? Or does it depend on the type of pleco? Getting a vegeboy rather than a carnivorous plec?

I have a slight algae development in the tank and I thought that a small pleco would be appropriate seeing as my flagtail is absolutely useless at eating it.

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I've heard/ read the same thing and I used to be worried about it, but not anymore haha. My sailfin used to suck on my ornate occassionally, but now the ornate just swims away - the sailfin doesn't chase him around for slime. I would say that if the tank has enough swimming/ hiding space, it doesn't occur often enough to be a big worry. My ornate doesn't show any signs of stress or any "scarring", so it's all good with me.

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Nah, got rid of the ornate. I like the smaller species more too; 3 dels, 3 palmas, 3 sens are in the tank atm. I like the albino plecos, henwards one looks pretty good. Are there any species that you guys have had experience with that are more proficient algae eaters?

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Are there any species that you guys have had experience with that are more proficient algae eaters?

The two species I recommended (L002 and L204) are both wood eaters so will rasp at the wood and keep it clean, not sure about the plants or other decor though. I don't have any problems with algae in my SA tank though. My L128s rasp at the concrete background!

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I have never seen this happen, i think if the plecos are well fed or flagtail is well fed (mine are certainly well fed) then i dont see this.

they dont rasp to harass, they rasp to eat, (of course the flag tail can pick on things that it believes is a similar species like tinfoil barbs brrr) but generally, theydont bother them.

i think that these situations occur when feeding is 'regulated' - then the fish' appetite is not satisfied, it keeps grazing perhaps.

birchirs can surprisingly be quite hungry and try to eat anything that swims past it, i have seen my small ornates go for clowns that swim past them, so easy solution - feed them heaps:D

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