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Breeding pair of CA Cichlids , with an Aro ?


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You cant be certain what will happen, If you do it, make sure you have emergency alternate housing for one of them if it doesnt go well.

A breeding pair of CAs will have a go at anything, regardless of size, and they will claim almost all of a tank upto 8ft i reckon.

Alternatively they might leave the aro completely alone, especially if the aro likes the upper sections of the tank, and everyones temperments are in favour.

Id be inclined to try regardless, just have a contingency ready for the safety of the fish.

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^ you'd be one of the very few people in the country who could actually house them...

I'd give it a go with a more mild mannered species like you suggested, nic, uaru, chocolate, jd, severum etc. Not sure if I'd want to try with something larger and aggressive like jag, texas or festae, there's a good chance of it ending badly...

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imported jags down here...babies tho

I have a pair of chocs that woudl work...only I wouldnt ship them that far

hmmm Nics might be better as more easily shipped

agree with David...wouldnt go for the big bad and bite as would deffinately end up in fish filets I think

good luck

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imported jags down here...babies tho

I have a pair of chocs that woudl work...only I wouldnt ship them that far

hmmm Nics might be better as more easily shipped

agree with David...wouldnt go for the big bad and bite as would deffinately end up in fish filets I think

good luck

Are there jags down here again?? I had a breeding pair but traded them for a giant gourami... Big mistake lol wish i still had them!

And I have a breeding pair of chocs in with an aro right now, haven't had any problems thus far!

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