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Pink convict with Pleco


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I have a female pink convict in a small tank by herself. The tank is suffering from green dust and I've tried everything to get rid of it, as a last resort I thought I'd add a pleco but wonder if the close proximity to each other might be a problem so the convict attacks the pleco.

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If they're fairly placid, unless breeding - how would she go in a very large community tank with 2x blue rams, 2x clown loaches, 7 neon tetras and handful of guppies? I thought about trying her out but was hesitant in case she did get aggressive, as she's damn fast and hard to catch, especially in a large tank.

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If they're fairly placid, unless breeding - how would she go in a very large community tank with 2x blue rams, 2x clown loaches, 7 neon tetras and handful of guppies? I thought about trying her out but was hesitant in case she did get aggressive, as she's damn fast and hard to catch, especially in a large tank.

not that placid, would still eat smaller fish, but placid towards fish its own size or bigger

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Thanks for the advice. I've decided to go with Plan C: wait until 4x juvies are a bit bigger before I can introduce them to the community tank, then move pink convict into their tank and completely empty and clean her's out. She'll be in a 20 litre tank for a day or two but I'm sure she'll cope :)

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