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Wrigglers! Yay!

All thanks to the egg crate separator and a very patient discus Mum. :)



One question, water changes from here on out, should i be getting the poo out,

or just changing water? I seems it might be difficult to no suck up fry?

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congrates, but just a warning, when they start to become free swimming they might cross the egg crate to mum, and if she starts eating them you will have to remove them, also i find when they are free swimming i keep a night light on at night to give a dim light over the tank so the fry can always see the dad and the dad can always see them and they dont get lost

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Thanks for the tips!

Any advice on water changes at this stage? Should i be removing the poo or just changing the water?

i usually just left the water changes till they were free swimming, then i would take water from the surface from the opposite side of the tank they were on, i think you could just take water from the compartment thats seperated off cause it wont upset the parents that way, also only do small water changes as the babies wont like it if something changes suddenly, so id say 10-15% at most every 3-4 days , and keep up the good work

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There is only one good way to raise baby discus and that is with both parents in the tank.

They secrete a mucous filled with proteins that the babies feed off. Taking the babies or the parents away isn't doing 100% right by the babies.

agreed , but unless its a huge spawn, one parent can look after a spawn successfully

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How long till the wrigglers become free swimming? Ive read different facts from different places.

Some say 12 hours, some say 72hours some say 1 week.

Definitely not 12 hours! :D Mine are usually between 3.5 days to 4 days (ie 84 to 96 hours) at 28 degrees. Shorter if at 30 degrees.

The night light is a good idea, but I usually put it on once the eggs have hatched, so that the parents can pick up any wrigglers that fall off. Also important for the first night after free swimming as the parents will usually 'put the kids to bed'. ie they will reattach the newly free swimming fry to the cone to prevent them swimming aimlessly around the tank which can exhaust them. It is funny watching the parents try to do it the second night, the fry are much stronger and don't have a bar of it!

Hope that helps.

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Definitely not 12 hours! :D Mine are usually between 3.5 days to 4 days (ie 84 to 96 hours) at 28 degrees. Shorter if at 30 degrees.

The night light is a good idea, but I usually put it on once the eggs have hatched, so that the parents can pick up any wrigglers that fall off. Also important for the first night after free swimming as the parents will usually 'put the kids to bed'. ie they will reattach the newly free swimming fry to the cone to prevent them swimming aimlessly around the tank which can exhaust them. It is funny watching the parents try to do it the second night, the fry are much stronger and don't have a bar of it!

Hope that helps.

yeah, i agree around 3-5 days depending on temp, also yeas the parents do get a bit annoyed when the fry wont go to bed hahaha

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We purchased a single bulb T8 light for a night light, its pretty dim nice pink color.

Will be leaving that on at night time from now on.

Its funny, the female has moved the eggs 3 times now!

Will post update once we get free swimmers!

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Nice! looks like a healthy spawn

A low bacteria count is always best when raising discus fry so water changes are a plus

And best to keep the tank bottom clean as the wrigglers can get tangled up in that stuff if they fall from the spawn site

Best of luck!

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Congratulation. Time to plan ahead when fry start to feed off the body of their parrents, tanks to seperate parents from fry and brine shrimp hatchery set (2x), be it DIY or off the shelf. Good luck.

Yep getting the brine shrimp hatcherys ready

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At this stage im kind of freaking out about water changes, it looks like its going

to be impossible to suck up the poo without sucking up some fry, they are kind of everywhere lol.

Any tips on this? Im thinking about just changing water and not sucking up waste until the fry are a little


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I just attempted a poo clean up. Only sucked up 2 fry, i then used a flash light to search the bucket for them, then got them in a net and put them back into the tank.

Discus Daddy was not happy with the large plastic tube coming near his babies lol >.>

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i would put chlorine remover in the bucket with the new water, mix it round the add it

Yea have been doing that.

Hey the Female is doing something odd. She keeps throwing the babies off every once in a while and moving away from them,

is this normal?

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