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Help needed for my gorgeous dalmatian molly girl


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Hi again,

Just when I thought everything in my tank was going great one of my gorgeous big dalmatian mollies are acting erratically. She is around 18 months old, one of two lovely big girls and until now been healthy, even when other fish have had probs, these two have been great. This afternoon however she has begun to swim with her head up, tail down mainly into the filter's current, but also in circles. Temp is fine and I did a 20% water change on Thursday. I have found the water in this tank to be too acidic and soft and have been using oyster grit and kh booster to raise it. Its a 180L tank and I think the 1 bag of oyster grit isn't enough so I bought more today.

Since noticing her behaviour it sounds like swim bladder disease? so I've added a teaspoon of aquarium salt (dissolved in warm water), some melafix and primafix and some frozen peas with skin removed.

Any ideas to help welcome as I've had these two lovely mollies from the start (14 or so months) and don't want to lose her.

I used Furan 2 last month which seemed to help with fungal issues with my blackline FF and possible cuulimaris which occurred when water quality deteriorated with my fish being 'looked after' while I was away but all has been good since then.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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I assume all the other fish are fine? How often has she had fry? Is she looking bloated at all, any redness about the anal area or gills? Is she still eating?

Mollies seem to prefer a little salt in the tank so that might help. Not sure if 1tsp will do much though (although I have not looked up the amount suggested, this sounds way too little to me. See what you can find out about how much to add to the amount of water you have.)

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Hi, I'll check tomorrow re redness. She didn't look any more bloated than normal, both girls have always been quite 'rounded' and she hasn't had babies for months so I don't think she's pregnant. I know a teaspoon of salt isn't much but I've rarely used much if any salt and they've been fine so far. I've got loaches, catfish and cories so am loath to use much salt. Thanks for your help, I'm soo hoping she will be ok when I see her tomorrow morning.

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No redness and no apparent change for better or worse today.

pH 6.6-6.8 (currently adding more oyster shell grit to pH & kH prob, nitrates 0.

Am about to do a 25% water change and will add a little salt, some melafix and some more peas - any other ideas? She did eat a bit this morning but has trouble getting food as it sinks.


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Ok, just did a 25% water change and added melafix and primafix to tank (not sure if this will help but figure it won't hurt.) am now giving her a salt bath (20gms aqu salt to 1 1/2 liters of water) for 10 minutes sO as to not effect my scaleless fish. She's gone pretty quiet in there after initially swimming around slightly on One side. I hope she's ok.

Any other ideas anyone?

Since my suspected columnaris outbreak and treatment fish have seemed happy but still flash off of surfaces.

Any help appreciated!

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Hi, pH has been low for a while but have mainly been concerned with kH as I've been struggling to get it over 1. I've got oyster shell in 1 of the filters and been using a kH booster each week. I've just added another bag to the other filter and will add a third bag when I next clean the external filter.

I think I'll do a salt bath each day for the next few days and hopefully she'll pick up!

Thanks for your reply.

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I don't know enough about the two products to give an opinion.

I would not use baking soda either. Too easy to end up with pH swings and it is better to have either too high or too low but consistent pH than one which goes up and down.

Nothing wrong with slightly acidic. The plants will love it.

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