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Indian fern


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Indian fern doesn't come in bunches.

They are single plants, unless they are small examples,

then they MAY put some together.

Damn, wish my Indian Ferns were going ok.

$4.80, is, in my opinion, a complete rip-off, as it is so easy to grow.

Alan 104

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I agree Alan but all I need is one plant, then I can grow as much as I like from it .......... at least, thats the plan ............. :lol:

I also asked them if they could source some African fern (Bolbitis heudelotii) for me as I am having no luck getting it down here. Animates promised to order some in but never got back in touch.

Keeping my fingers crossed



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I have mailed plants successfully. One way is to put them in a ziplock type bag slightly blown up so the plant doesn't get squashed (no water needed) and put into a bubble bag, or into a ziplock bag as before and put into a small carton. Fax modem boxes are a good size for this :lol:

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I think any party or BBQ that Wok attends should be held outside, as he has a reputation of throwing food around.

I also think that he should be stripped searched to make sure he isn't carring any hidden weapons that could be used for dispensing unwanted drinks to people.

Please, for the sake of your property, see if the "Cake-tin" is available.

Alan 104

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The Cake Tin is where the Food Show is being held Alan. So I guess it will not be available, however there will be a lot of free sampling (if you can call it that since you need to pay $15 to get in)

Anyway I only throw food cause Jude normally starts it :lol: and I have been reasonably good this year :wink:

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