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Cuban cichlid: Who has bought them


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Yeah, I would like the cubans to stay in the hobby here. Just need a hardcore breeder to step up, i dont have the funds or time to setup another tank for them. Wouldnt need to be large though, 30 gallon perhaps?

Mine is smaller than the jurapari he is with, definately more dominant. Eats readily on massivore. This guy is destined for a cichlid comm though.

I would get festivum but they wouldnt mix well with my more agro cichlids methinks.

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Plenty of them at HFF albany. Easy enough to distinguish males and females; males all bicker and the females just sorta just sit there lol. I think the males have more markings on the face than the rest of the body, females have stronger markings/barring along the body I think?

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There seems to be alot of good new stock availabe at the moment (moment being the last year or so) ie festae, ?black belt, cuban, good GT's etc well personally i have my hands full (jag pair, and possible festae pair) Just not that many people out there who have the space and tank to dedicate to an agro pair of american nasties. Its a shame, cause as someone who like big cichlids, you cant save them all, you have to choose.

I hope someone gets a pair and attempts to maintain their presence in the counry, (my festae havnt paired up yet, they are in a big cichlid comm, but im reluctant to sell either of the possible pair now that davids pair has... well yeah you know the story. I feel i have a sense of duty to maintain the population in the country should anything happen to his fry)

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