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New discus setup


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Hey there,

I've recently immigrated to NZ and am preparing to set up a discus tank.I'm interested in starting off with a 4 ft tank.

All my equipment is currently on its way to NZ.I was given some excess marine reef equipment by my father before leaving.

Included in this equipment was the following:

RED SEA -Berlin biological filters x2

RED SEA -Protein skimmer

My question is this:The bio filters have a capacity to filter up to 1000L each.Would i get any advantage by adding both onto the setup?

Would there be any possible use for the protein skimmer in this set up?I understand they only used on marine tanks.

How long, once i've setup the tank and started the filtration,would it take to establish the bio filters?Basically what would be the waiting period before adding the discus?

Would the bio-filter be ok as my only filtration?I'm not a fan of canister filters.

What is a good colour variant ,of discus , to start off with...with the aim of hopefully leading to breeding?

Tank mates,for discus?

I'm reaching out here to all discus fans ! Help me join the cool kids!

Thanks guys/girls :D

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Blue turquoise discus will be good to start with. They breed quite readily and seem to be less prone to disease (at least say opposed to pigeon bloods).

If you do a fishless cycle it will take 4-6 weeks before you can add the discus, when ammonia and nitirite = 0. Your nitrate will then shoot up so you'll need to do a big water change, then it's ready. You want ideally a filter that pumps 5X the water volume per hour, so sounds like your filter will be sweet. Do you mean it's an undergravel bio filter??

Is it going to be planted? Adding CO2? If so don't use the protein skimmers as Ira says it will aerate the tank but this means it will off gas the CO2.

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The filter i'm wanting to use is a bilogical fluidized bed filter.No undergravel.I'm sure you know the tube type filters with silica sand that is suppended mid "air" by the water flow inside the tube.

Do you think that is all the filtration i need? If i wanted to buy a bigger tank ,and have both my bio filters attached.Would i run one into the other and then return the filtered water to the tank or is there another way you can suggest.

I basically want the best for my discus.Want to do it right from the start.

I'm wanting to have a well planted tank.Not too fond of this coke bottle CO2 yeast idea.Sounds like it could be quite a hassle with regards to Ph fluctuations.How do you guys deal with replacing the used up mixtures while on holiday?

By the way thanks for responding.I appreciate it ,greatly.

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How long, once i've setup the tank and started the filtration,would it take to establish the bio filters?Basically what would be the waiting period before adding the discus?

i assume you're meaning waiting for the nitrogen cycle to complete. about 30 days is a typical "rough" estimate for most tanks. discus are a bit more temperamental so if it were me, i'd wait twice as long. send a PM to "new zealand discus man" or email [email protected] im sure he wouldnt mind assisting :D otherwise wait til tonight there are some discus guru's who will post after me for sure :hail:

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Just filling the tank with water and turning on the filters will not cycle the tank. You need to add fish, or do a fishless cycle using ammonia.

It is my understanding discus prefer a matured tank that has been established for longer than 6 months minimum.

I don't think any discus are easier to breed than others of a different strain.

Mid sized schooling fish go well with discus, like cardinal tetras.

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So theoretically if i set up the tank ,run the filters and wait say a week and then add 40 neons...would that be ok,to cycle the tank.If i left it like that for a month ,then added the discus.

I'm know i wouldn't be able to wait 6 months to add discus.

How does adding plants effect this scenario.Do i add them on setup or wait till i add the discus.Any plant guru's out there reading?

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Add the plants whenever you like, i'd add them sooner rather than later and get your lights setup so they can grow in. Healthy plants rid ammonia from the water almost instantly, but you can't rely on that you need to have it fully cycled.

What Caryl is saying is that you need to cycle for 4 weeks (usually at least)

Option 1 - Fishless cycle (you add (harmful) ammonia artificially, the filter turns this in to (harmful) nitrite, which then turns into (safe) nitrate (in levels up to 20ppm).

Option 2 - Fish cycle (you use real fish to cycle the tank, they produce the ammonia) As ammonia is harmful this way you risk losing fish so best to use some cheap ones. Plus you'll want to use as many fish as you're going to add... for example if you use 3 small fish to cycle, then add 5 discus, the extra ammonia from the discus may shock the filter into recycling causing you grief..this is perhaps why people say you should have a well established tank before getting discus, but all you need to make sure is that the filter can convert their ammonia into nitrate. Discus prefer fresh clean water to old established water.

Hope this helps

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What part of the country do you live in? If you are around Wellington I would let you cycle your filter on my 4 foot tank if you wanted, this would speed up the start of the process a lot. Also although 6 months seems a long time I would suggest that you keep some other fish for at least a few months for two reasons.

a) There is a lot less room for mistakes etc when keeping Discus, so its worth practicing on an easier fish.

b) Although it only takes a month or so for your tank to do the nitogen 'cycle' there is also a far longer cycle that takes 6+ months to complete this is basically the time it takes for evey thing to settle down and stablize in your setup. After this time the tank is what is commonly called 'mature'. Until this time you will get algae bloomes, water parameters changing, plants that were growing well suddenly dieing and other suddenly doing well, etc etc. These things sometime require doing stuff to your tank that Discus wont like much.

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