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Chch Totally Tanked July Meet

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Where: Jennifer's house


(please pm/email me/her for exact address)

When: Sat 16th July

5pm onwards

We will reattempt the guest speaker we were meant to have in March!

"This month we are lucky to have Rupert Collins as a speaker. Rupert is a fish biologist and writer at Practical Fishkeeping magazine: http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/content.php?sid=3079 At the meeting he will talk about his research, biosecurity and some other interesting fishy topics. "

As usual, please bring a plate (or bag or packet) of food to share. We'll aim for an early-ish tea and hope to have Rupert talk at about 6pm.

New members, guests and visitors from other clubs are welcome.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whoa! All those people tonight...and all that food!! :D Nice to meet some new faces. It was very interesting having Rupert come and speak to us about biosecurity, pest fish ( :o ) and the genetics of identifying fish.

Rupert is next investigating detecting if a fish is a hybrid so if anyone has found a confirmed hybrid, and you are sure of its parentage, let me know and I will forward your details to him.

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