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attention sumpers


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hey guys,

i've been asked to put a tank on Waiheke Island for someone I know. The tank will be 1250x750x750mm with a sump (3ft maybe)

I've never worked with a sump before so am kind of nervous about setting one up with out something tragic happening.

I'm looking for someone who can help with the design of a sump and also someone who will come over to Waiheke for the day to set it all up with me (ferry included of course!)

Is anyone willing to give a bit of their time ?

Thanks !

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Could possibly help out. Few things to think about though...

I presume by "sump" you're talking about a wet/dry trickle filter type set up?

Is the sump going to be the sole method of filtration for the tank?

How much room is there under the tank stand? (or elsewhere close by it could be located)

How high will the head for the pump be, and what size pump giving how much turn over?

How and where do you want the overflows in the tank?

The best thing you can do is have a look at a few different set ups (in person and on line, MFK Setup and Filtration forum is a good start) to get some ideas. It seems pretty overwhelming at first, but once you start to get your head around it then its easy. If you're out east flick me a PM and come have a look at mine if you like.

Here's a basic plan, I have two pretty much like this and they work well, although I use ceramic noodles for the submerged media and bioballs for the above water stuff.


And here's the sump on my 1400L tank, using filter socks instead of wool. There is no media in that pic, the chamber under the white drip tray is now full of bioballs and noodles.


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thanks for that

I wont be going for a trickle filter as such, just a baffled sump with media.

the sump will be 900x600highx500mm and will be run off of an external 8500lph external pump.

The overflow box will be located in the middle of the tank and will also have the outlet pipe coming out of it too (extending along the top of the tank and then back through the top.

If anyone can help, let me know so I can give you a more detailed design.


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8500lph pump = ................ at ..... metres head?

Make sure when placing the baffles that there is enough space in the sump for the water above the skim of the overflow when the pump switches off (and make sure any returns or spraybars don't siphon excessive amounts back into the sump).

What are you going to use for mechanical filtration?

Any reason why you're not going for a trickle filter?

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You'll probably want to use 40mm waste pipe for the drain, and either 20mm or 25mm pressure pipe for the return with that sized pump. I'd recommend using PVC and gluing it with the Marley PVC cement. I've made repairs to plumbing and had it running within a couple of hours, but for a new set up I'd give it 24 hours. Its pretty basic, I actually quite enjoy it! Depending on the kind of fitting you'll put thru the back of the tank you'll need some sort of adapter. Plumbing World usually has a better selection of fittings than the general hardware stores.

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Fly me up from down south and I will come help ya! Hehehe. You can actually make quite good sumps quite cheap using plastic bins and buckets from the warehouse and payless plastics etc. You can drill holes in them and cut it to shape very easy. I have made heaps using these and they all work fine. If they are hidden away like most sumps it doesnt matter what they look like. I think a lot of people believe they need a hard core design with the latest fittings and trappings to match current trends when really this isn't needed unless they want to display it somewhat.

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