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Hi all,

I have just got some of this, which says on the packet it is for cats and dogs. Pet shop advised me to use 250mg/100L of water "for three days" - was wondering what might've been meant by the "for three days" bit? Does that mean do a big water change each day (if so, how much?) and that dose of prazi each day?

I have a 38L tank with one natural plant and three small (about 4cm/1.5inch) fancy goldfish (a comet-bodied orange with a quadruple fan tail, a blackmoor, and a calico with a tri-fan tail).

They have been a little under the weather and I suspect some sort of parasitic situation. The problems started about three weeks ago when I introduced the calico fan - who had a clamped fin, which I didn't know was a sign of illness. The other day the orange was flashing a little, and developed a couple of lighter coloured scales. I had a .25-.5 ammonia reading so I did a 70% water change, focusing particularly on getting deep under the gravel, took some of the gravel out, and the flashing stopped immediately.

The blackmoor (my favourite - such a friendly little monkey!) has been hanging out at surface a lot and generally acting weird. Sometimes he gulps, sometimes he just hides behind the filter, sometimes he bottom-sits, but always when you talk to him he seems to 'wake up', swims over, wants to know what it's all about, then hangs out and does fish stuff with the other fish for a while.

All the fish are sociable with each other, but the blackmoor of late frequently hangs out alone. The calico still has clamped fin, but only from time to time. I suspect that fish of starting the problems.

Chemical situation: pH 7.5ish, nitrites = 0, ammonia now = 0, and yet to test nitrates (only bought that kit today).

I'm just learning. The main thing I want to know is that this Prazi is safe, and how to dose it. Do I crush it or dissolve it first or bury it in the gravel or what? It wasn't made for fish so I have no packet instructions to work with. I like these fish and don't want to do the wrong thing!

p.s. I know, I know, I need a bigger tank. I'm working on it. Can't afford to just go out and buy one. <:)

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By praziquantel, what do you mean? Are you talking about something like drontal that has prazi in it or have you managed to acquire something named praziquantel. My reason for asking is that it will make a difference to how you use it.

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It's called Droncit (50mg Praziquantel), and the vets got it in for me knowing I wanted it for the fish tank... I am just cautious, as I note that on fish forums I've read people seem to have praziquantel designed for fish specifically. I don't know if these things would have something in them that's not good for fish.

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How long has your tank been running?

Sounds a little to me like you need to just up your water changes for a while

Get your water right first

Droncit is perfectly fine to use in your tank

But best to use in a bare bottom hospital tank

One tablet treats 20 litres, crush in a zip lock bag with a rolling pin and add warm water to mix

Treats tapeworm and gill flukes

Not really sure if it is relevant to your case

Possibly clamped fins can be flukes but best to up water changes than subject all the fish to meds

all the best

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Thanks very much. I suspect flukes because the calico came from the pet shop with clamped fin and the others have got sick since it arrived. I am quite new to fish though so this could be flawed thinking.

The tank has been up and running about seven weeks. I bought a Nitrate testing kit today and it read just now at 0.

I'm going to try putting the prazi in in the morning.

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The tank has been up and running about seven weeks. I bought a Nitrate testing kit today and it read just now at 0.


If the tank has cycled properly you should get some reading of nitrate, even a little one. IF it's still zero, it's possible your tank hasn't yet cycled properly . Are your ammonia and nitrite readings still zero?

Nitrate readings are perfectly ok as long as they are in the lower range. Water changes and plants deal with the extra nitrates.

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Thanks BikBok. I'm still trying to understand the cycling. I have read enough about it that I really should understand it by now. Is it a matter of leaving some crud under the stones to turn to nitrates, but not so much that it poisons the water??

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I don't see gill flicking. Right. Got to take some decisive action. Going to put in the Prazi now after a 30-40% water change. I have had an offer of a larger tank from a friend so will check that out and if it is suitable I suppose I will just have to start from scratch in the new tank once the fish are better. At least this will mean I have a hospital tank if needed. Thinking positive here. < : )

Also, should I take the contents out of the filter (I don't have an air pump) for some or all of the time during medication?

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I'm pretty sure prazi won't affect your filter.. I've used prazi before and didn't take anything out. Prazi is not an antibacterial so you should be fine, i doubt it would harm the biological filter.

The only thing you would need to remove is Carbon if you have it. Carbon is good for removing meds afterwards but not generally needed for everyday use.

The general rule for medicating is to increase oxygen. Without an extra airstone or airpump the easiest way to do this is to lower the water level if you have a filter that splashes the water down into the tank. Also keep the tank lights off.

Oh I just noticed it's coldwater fish you have.. Coldwater holds more oxygen so perhaps the oxygen thing isn't as vital, not sure.

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Just noticed that Sanya, my blackmoor, has fraying (but not chunks out of) one of his quadruple caudal fins. What could this be? Also, the orange has a white lump that looks like a rogue piece of food, in the middle of one of its caudal fins. The calico fan appears to have all fins intact.

All three fish are currently swimming about together in a mini-school, chasing their reflections and probing the gravel for food. They are very active, although when not doing this, Sanya is still extremely lethargic and hanging out behind the filter.

I haven't had good health myself lately and I am starting to get really exhausted with this, especially the carting buckets of water about! I just want to have all the knowledge in my head already and not have to ask everything all the time! And I can't stand the thought my fish might be suffering. I want to give them a good life. <:(

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Ok, kinda figured this is fin rot. Have removed 2/3 of the water and replaced 1/3 (leaving some space for filter drop to aerate the water more as I don't have an air pump) and added Wunder Tonic to the replacement water.

Through the blue/green I can see that one side of my orange fish Auriel has quite a few scales which seem to have lost pigment (maybe 5 or 6 scales).

I'm curious to know whether it is a good thing to let some algae accumulate on the stones/filter tube. I cleaned the glass this morning as it had a little algae on it but I read this can be beneficial in the tank. I notice most pet shops have significant algae on their filter tubes/heaters, and stones.

Can anyone help with this please? <:)

Is fish ownership one big endless struggle of these sorts of processes, or does it get easier and less bankrupting as time goes on?

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Oh no, sorry about your loss. Blackmoores that we get now are a particularly hardy fish, perhaps concentrate on the two you have left and get the tank a bit more stable before you add some more fish.

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Thanks Zev. I won't be adding any more fish for now. I also thought blackmoors were hardier and was very surprised he was the one to die - although, talking to people I know who have had them, they all say they were the least hardy of their fish.

I'm going to take the gravel out tomorrow morning and do a 50% water change, then add new carbon to the filter. I'm going to make it essentially a hospital tank for the time being, with a very bare setup, marbles for them to play with, and a couple of ceramic cups for them to hide in. This is until I can get a larger tank as a habitat tank.

Whatever happens to Auriel and Finn (and I hope it's not the worst) I have the 'bug' now. <:)

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