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MISSING CATT! woolston area CHCH


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hey everyone sad news our cat has been missing for 24hours :'(, he has missed 2 meals which is seriously unheard of for this cat, he loves his food.we rescued him from a stray life an was very under feed when we got him, he weighs about 8-9kg now an is often referred to as the "seal cat" his name is TOM, he may come to a high pitched toooooommm toooooommmmyyy or even monster.He is a tabby cat very staunch an has a big belly.

he is very very missed an we are hoping he will come back to us safe but this is very out of character for him so things aren't looking good.

if you see him or know anything about his where abouts please don't hesitate to call/txt me on 02102795337 or 9604005 (my name is Sam)

pics of him






Cheers Sam

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yea hopefully he will be back soon, can't believe hes been away this long without any sightings of him.Yes have alerted all the neighbors and also have checked the road sides incase he was hit by a car but no one has seen anything. missing flyers go up 2moro :cry:

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Dang - hope you find him soon.

Try the SPCA as well, that is how one of my colleagues found that one of her cats had been found injured quite a way up the road from her house, they had taken it to the vet clinic.

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I really dont wana think that has happened lol have told the neighbors so if they here something hopefully they will investigate, its early days an im probably over reacting but its just out of character for him to go missing for this long :tears:

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There have been a few cats found trapped under houses by liquefaction sand blocking the exits, may be something to consider if you have lots of liquefaction in your area. :(


Or not trapped but maybe sick or not feeling well and hiding in the dark somewhere in, under or around your house.

Hope you find him safe and well soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...



We found him :happy1: ! He turned up a week ago at a ladies house not far from us.meowing constantly she fed him an got him into a cage took to the vets, A friend showed her the mail drop flyer we did an she rung us. Now safe an sound at home sitting on the couch with me(this all happened tonight)

Just amazing

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Awesome! I was hoping you would find him!

Now to get him on a diet....

you should see how skinny he is! lost alot to fast I think.For now we focus on restoring his spirit hes very tired.

I'm so happy hes home, its been a rough few weeks for me :sml2:

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SO pleased to hear he is home. What a big boy!

I couldn't stand to lose any of our cats, they are so loved in the family.

We lost a Birman a few years ago (probably stolen by some rowdy youths) with devastating results , it was just awful.

Our current cats are not even allowed out the front and get locked in at dusk.

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Oh Sam, I couldn't be happier for you and your fur baby!! :happy1:

That is just great. Kudos to that woman for doing the right thing. :hail:

I would advise a blood test to check his overall health and organ functioning. Cats that loose weight too quickly (i.e. starvation) can get liver problems.

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Great news your cat is back home again.

Our cat used to go on walkabouts and when he came back he used to flop on the carpet and lie there like a beached whale and then sleep for a whole morning or afternoon, eat lots and then back to normal until he went walkabout again. It was very stressful for me never mind him.

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