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Locusts dieing??

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hi matt.

i find locusts need water (just spay them a little), at this time and again when they are laying.

they may need dry food.. some oats of some sort work well.

make sure they have fresh green grass a couple of times a day.

make sure they are warm enough (28c to 38c).

hope this helps

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A dish of bran flakes seems to be apreciated.Where do you get your grass from?orchards etc nearby?you have to be very careful with this as even small traces may nt kill them but render them sterile.Also your house may have been sprayed at some time with residual insecticide?(ripcord etc)

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hi matt.

i find locusts need water (just spay them a little), at this time and again when they are laying.

they may need dry food.. some oats of some sort work well.

make sure they have fresh green grass a couple of times a day.

make sure they are warm enough (28c to 38c).

hope this helps

Wouldnt that make it humid??

temps and grass are good.

will put some oats or bran in

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A dish of bran flakes seems to be apreciated.Where do you get your grass from?orchards etc nearby?you have to be very careful with this as even small traces may nt kill them but render them sterile.Also your house may have been sprayed at some time with residual insecticide?(ripcord etc)

Ok, will add some bran/oats into their enclosure.

Grass is from the backyard, pretty sure its not sprayed.

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spraying them will make it humid for a short period but the dry grass absorbs the water. they dont mind a little humidity for ralatively short periods(days not weeks).

whats the temperature in there? a 60w bulb in an uninsulated tank might not get them warm enough, unless its on 24/7.

do they munch into the fresh grass as soon as you put it in? they should really.

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spraying them will make it humid for a short period but the dry grass absorbs the water. they dont mind a little humidity for ralatively short periods(days not weeks).

whats the temperature in there? a 60w bulb in an uninsulated tank might not get them warm enough, unless its on 24/7.

do they munch into the fresh grass as soon as you put it in? they should really.

OK, its covered up on most sides and is on 24/7

Yes they do

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please if you can post a pic of your tank set up and dimensions

locusts are easy

spraying i find isnt good. too m oist.

anyway, may work for some.

i put grass once a day in the morning, and thats it. no oats or bran.

i get a goodyield out of them.

during summer i get triple yield , winter not as much.

i dont use thermos, i jsut have a 100w bulb on for 12 hours a day. off at night even during winter.

they breed, eat and stuff.

what you will find is that there are some locusts that will eat the heads and kill other locusts, natural selection,

weak ones will just die, its natural, what % do you have gettingd dead?

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I am sure someone will correct me if needed but I understand that they require fresh grass that is busy growng because it contains a hormone that makes the grass grow. This stimulates them to breed as there will be plenty of grass to feed the offspring. This is why they can be difficult to breed in the middle of summer when the grass stops growing and goes to seed or in the winter when it just stops growing (down here anyway). My breeders get two glasses stuffed full of grass and it lasts one or two days depending on how many there are.

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I am sure someone will correct me if needed but I understand that they require fresh grass that is busy growng because it contains a hormone that makes the grass grow. This stimulates them to breed as there will be plenty of grass to feed the offspring. This is why they can be difficult to breed in the middle of summer when the grass stops growing and goes to seed or in the winter when it just stops growing (down here anyway). My breeders get two glasses stuffed full of grass and it lasts one or two days depending on how many there are.

i have read that in a few different places as well. lucky for me i'm in the mighty waikato lol and there is always fresh grass somewhere.

i use the grass in a jar of water as well. there should not be a time where there is no fresh grass in the tank. lunch time all day long is the best way to go.

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