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Gippsland Water Dragon


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there are by rumor Chinese water dragons, but i dont know the legalistic around anything other than the common water dragon.

Also if there was there would be a HUGE $$$ attached to them maybe $2000-3000 and then you couldn't tell/show anyone.

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Gippsland is a Sub species of the Eastern water dragon both Australian just different location :facepalm:

and even of they where i am sure they will be subject to the new organism criteria if not a recognized specie

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rumor has it (there out there) in public hands...Along with lace monitors,ridge tailed monitors, (r.i.p)whites tree frogs,african clawed frog, frilled dragons,jacksons chamelions,veiled chamelions,netted dragons,(r.i.p)green iguanas,(r.i.p) green waterdragons,(r.i.p) emerald monitors,carpet pythons,rainbow boas, green n blue tree snakes,yellow headed tortoise,painted terapin,matamata terapin,asian soft shell terapin,florida soft shell terapin,aligators,caimans,cain toads,T REX.......may have forgotten a couple of dozen or so over the years.......have yet to see one but!

p.s notice the reference to R.I.P..... thats what happens if caught with anything not on the list....p.p.s not this list!THE list! :digH: not worth the headache realy. :dunno:

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not at all,if you can track them down and keep under the radar(dont tell or sell) you should be fine. as far as i can tell out of sight is out of mind for bio security.they are only interested if somone trys to commercialise something not onTHE LIST.....call me jaded...there offical line is they are woried about disease risk(new organisim)...they are well aware of smuggled animals,yet are too busy to organise a health standard or environmental inpact report for tropical species so they can keep tabs on disease risk and eliminate smuggling....easyer for them to ignore the problem.

most smuggled animals carry the most disease risk...the question is is it worth the headach n stress?

personaly not for me.... :digH:

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rumor has it (there out there) in public hands...Along with lace monitors,ridge tailed monitors, (r.i.p)whites tree frogs,african clawed frog, frilled dragons,jacksons chamelions,veiled chamelions,netted dragons,(r.i.p)green iguanas,(r.i.p) green waterdragons,(r.i.p) emerald monitors,carpet pythons,rainbow boas, green n blue tree snakes,yellow headed tortoise,painted terapin,matamata terapin,asian soft shell terapin,florida soft shell terapin,aligators,caimans,cain toads,T REX.......may have forgotten a couple of dozen or so over the years.......have yet to see one but!

p.s notice the reference to R.I.P..... thats what happens if caught with anything not on the list....p.p.s not this list!THE list! :digH: not worth the headache realy. :dunno:

was ment to be a pm

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