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I'm Dom - I'm relatively new to this game - had my 60L tank for a few months now. Got 6 neon tetras, 4 brown BN, 1 albino BN, 1 zebra loach, 1 polka dot loach, 2 chain loaches and a couple of small "local guppies".

i've been having probs with my BN's - had 2 die on me. Had 1 tetra die the other day and then couple of days later a BN. I was hoping the BN might have died cos it ate something from the dead fish. My albino belly is looking a bit big recently and it disappeared for a few days. I did a bit of research and am hoping its not bloat. I have just dropped a chopped broad bean and a shelled bean into the tank in hope.

I am wondering though if my fish have parasites as I see my loaches seem to flick on their side quite a bit.

How do you know if your fish have parasites ? Am I supposed to put them into another tank and give them some meds ? I have an old plastic goldfish bowl i could use as my fish quarantine bay.

Thanks for any advice. I'd like to see my BN's grow long rather than wide and expire ... ! I am wondering if it is because they eat the fish pellet I drop into my tank for the loaches rather than the algae wafer ..? I change the water every 2 weeks - 8-9 litres at a time.


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Your "local guppies", if they are what I think they are, are a very aggressive species and may have killed your tetra.

Up your water changes also. I personally believe a tank with that sort of stocking levels should get 25% a week

Hi - thanks for that. The guppies are skinny little things and to be honest one of them looks not brilliant anyway - part of his tail is not formed. I might actually just flush them down the bog as they're not adding much value. Then I will be left with the 5 neons, 1 zebra loach, 1 polka loach, 2 chain loaches and the 5 BN's. I'll switch to a weekly water change too.


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Welcome to the fishroom.

Please do not flush any fish - this is how things get into the local streams and waterways.

Putting in a plastic bag and giving a good hard whack on a solid object is better for the fish as well, way better than dying a slow death. Then place in the rubbish.

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Welcome to the forum section of the FNZAS.

Please do not flush any fish - this is how things get into the local streams and waterways.

Putting in a plastic bag and giving a good hard whack on a solid object is better for the fish as well, way better than dying a slow death. Then place in the rubbish.

ah OK - no worries.


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