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Having trouble planning my Nano - help please:-)


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Hey everyone,

I am wanting to set up a nano tank. I have decided that I'll go for an ADA Mini-M type tank, which is 36x22x26cm. That will give me around 18L to work with.

I don't really know what sort of lighting to use - I was thinking of using a couple of 8w low output T5s, which are 305mm long. Will this be bright enough? My main reason for this idea is that Hagen PowerGlos are availible in this size and they have a great light spectrum for plants. Or should I use a Power Compact light? I like the look of those ADA Mini Solar lights, but the only problem with those is that I'd have to have it shipped from overseas. How much would this cost? The bulbs that the ADA light takes are 27w, and are 8,000K. ADA says that this is the best spectrum for plants. Or do you guys reckon I'm better off with a couple of 8w PowerGlos? BTW I want the lighting fixture to look nice and sleek, not some big bulky ugly one like an Aqua One light for example :lol:

For CO2 I want to go for the Fluval Pressurized 88gram kit, and I'd just need get a better diffuser and bubble counter. I also need a timer for the CO2 though; does the Fluval one come with a timer, or do I need to get one seperately? What sort of timer for the CO2 do you guys recommend?

For filtration I am thinking of making my own sump. This will be good as it means I can hide the thermostat in there so it won't be cluttering up the tank. I was thinking of having a glass overflow pipe sticking up from the base of the tank and then connecting with a silicone tube beneath the tank and going into the sump, and something similar for the return pipe. Or am I better off just to hook the tubes over the rim of the tank like most people do? Because the tank will be rimless, if I did this, then how would I eliminate the problem of dust forming a scum of the surface?

Thanks in advance for your help,


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I've been having a think about the lighting and reading all sorts of stuff on the internet and I think I'll go for the T5s because I really want PowerGlos, plus it will be sufficient for what I want to achieve. My dad has a friend who is an electrician and knows heaps about lighting so he may be able to get me some good ballasts and fittings and help me make my light.

I had a look on trademe yesterday and saw that some guy is selling Eheim Classic 2211 filters, so stuff the sump, I think I'll get one of those filters :P

You persuaded the parentals to let you have another tank eh? :wink:

:lol: I made up an excuse to have it; I told them I am going to do a log/journal on it for the science fair at school next year! Plus I talked to my science teacher who thinks it's an excellent idea so my parents don't mind :)

I think I've preety much decided on exactly what equipment I'm going to get, but I am having second thoughts about the CO2. The 88gram set is $205 incl. shipping from Organism, and refil cartridges are $36. Or I could use a 500ml bottle of Flourish Excel, which I worked out is enough for 100 doses for this tank, so if I did one does per day like it reccommends then the bottle will last for 100 days. So I need to try and find out how much CO2 I'd use each day. The lighting will be on for about 8hrs a day BTW.

What plants are you going to have? It sounds like you are brewing a high tech master plan.

Probably various mosses and Bolbitis, maybe a bit of Rotala, Hemianthus and/or glosso. And I might chuck in a bit of hairgrass and Ech. tenellus :D

I currently have $220 saved up for this tank :bounce:

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You'll have to wait for a wee bit though - it's going to be quite expensive (but stil affordable). I will also need to get glass filter pipes and a good-quality drop checker. I'll probably get one of those CAL AquaLabs nano ones, because I don't want something that's bulky and takes up space.

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Since my family doesn't have an international credit card, I asked Caryl who has kindly agreed to help me ship some stuff from http://www.greenleafaquariums.com/

I am getting a CAL Aqua Fluxus Nano set (glass inflow and outflow pipes), a CAL Aqua Nano Drop Checker, a bottle of Bubble Counter Fluid (for when I get the bubble counter) and 3m of CO2 Resistant Tubing :P

And it's only $197.60 incl. shipping to NZ and GLA said that it will take 10-15 days or less to get here. Yay! :happy1:

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oh, I forgot to mention it here. I have a 2kg co2 extinguisher in test for sale if you want it. $60 +shipping (it's already empty and ready to ship). It has the extinguisher handle on it still but all it needs to work is an adapter for the regulator to screw onto the extinguisher screw point.

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