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Would you go work in Christchurch?


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There is no need to kill yourself for the sake of a company that grinds it's workers into the ground, especially if you are away from your friends and family at the same time and getting little reciprocal lovin' for yourself. Just because you are young doesn't mean you don't deserve a life outside work. I think people should learn to live in the moment a little more instead of continually striving for the next best or biggest whatever, makes for a happier person on the inside. Better to learn it young than when your own kids have grown up and you wished you spent more time with them.

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There is no need to kill yourself for the sake of a company that grinds it's workers into the ground, especially if you are away from your friends and family at the same time and getting little reciprocal lovin' for yourself. Just because you are young doesn't mean you don't deserve a life outside work. I think people should learn to live in the moment a little more instead of continually striving for the next best or biggest whatever, makes for a happier person on the inside. Better to learn it young than when your own kids have grown up and you wished you spent more time with them.

Yea, but at 24 you have a few years before any kids come into the equation? Better to work hard now so you'll hopefully have a easier time later when there are actually any kids to worry about. One thing I missed when reading this thread is that Dreams mentioned that even in Aucks he'll prob end up doing some work for CHCH. If that's the case, then depending on what each job is offering etc. it might be worth staying in Aucks :lol: .

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ah yes but work overtime now and they'll just expect it from you later. :-?

In any case he won't be earning mere peanuts as an architect so I doubt money will be a problem 8)

Guess it depends how long he'll stay in CHCH for though, if just for the next year or two, then it won't be a big deal?

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The point is you have an opportunity to get a good job in a famous company. Earthquake can happen anywhere. You can find another friends as well and as Caryl said, with internet & Skype, family and old friends are not too far away.

So, imo, the question is not about Chch in particular but if you are able to manage another long distance relationship with your girlfriend. As you wrote, "she did an exchange in japan for a year. In a couple of weeks, we will have been together 5 years".

Do both of you want to create another distance ?

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Pros: Organisim and redwood aquatics are here :love:

the best places to live would be west side of town. Bishopdale, Merivale, Harewood, Russley etc not as much damage over there. even out at kaiapoi would be good places to live.

the earthquakes are few and very far between now. you feel the odd shake but they are getting less and less. sure there are some big ones but you get use to them!

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