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My first two foot tank! Plus NEW smaller tanks


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So I'm still really new to this, I got my first tank 4 months ago (a 24L aqua one) and have since aquired two new tanks (a 2ft and a 34L). I got asked for a few pictures of my main tank so here they are :D I'm deperately saving for a bigger one! :happy2:


Glass standard 2ft tank (60x30x30)

Aqua One Clearview300 hang on filter

Aqua One heater at 28 degrees

Blue gravel, driftwood, ornament, plastic plants and one live one to experiment with


7 x assorted male guppies

3 x albino male guppies

3 x albino cories

1 x GBA

1 x Turquoise Betta

and 3 platties added today





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Go into the goldfish pagoda and ask him to get in contact with you if he ends up with any. I've seen quite a few in his store

they come from my strain aswell, dam i need to find some new strains :facepalm:

So I'm still really new to this, I got my first tank 4 months ago (a 24L aqua one) and have since aquired two new tanks (a 2ft and a 34L). I got asked for a few pictures of my main tank so here they are :D I'm deperately saving for a bigger one! :happy2:


Glass standard 2ft tank (60x30x30)

Aqua One Clearview300 hang on filter

Aqua One heater at 28 degrees

Blue gravel, driftwood, ornament, plastic plants and one live one to experiment with


7 x assorted male guppies

3 x albino male guppies

3 x albino cories

1 x GBA

1 x Turquoise Betta

and 3 platties added today





and if i was you i would change the gravel to a natural colour, just my oppion, also i would bring the temp down a bit to 26-27 as it maybe a bit hot for the guppies

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Thats pretty much it for this tank, I've got the other two tanks to set up aswell so I have no idea how I'm going to re-arrange everyone :dunno: The fighter can't be with the male guppies and neither can the female guppies when I get them as I don't want them breeding randomly. I was thinking male guppies, cories and bristlenose in the 2ft, female guppies, platies and betta in the 34L and bubbas in the 24L?? I really have no idea :nilly: anyone with a better plan??

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Definately wont be crossing the albinos with others which is why I need to keep males and females seperate. I plan on getting another 2ft for breeding as soon as I can track one down at a good price :) I got this one brand new at HFF for $42 so I'm hoping to get out there soon and get another one. Damn my broken wrist and non-driving-ness :an!gry

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Oh no good! If I was coming over your way soon I'd drop off some Water Sprite, it'll grow like a hundred times faster than the plants in there now :P

Doesn't help that they're plastic :o haha

Only the front ones real, picked it up at animates today to see if I could keep it alive :facepalm:

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Oh no good! If I was coming over your way soon I'd drop off some Water Sprite, it'll grow like a hundred times faster than the plants in there now :P

I got some watersprite from SamH and I can agree that they grow super fast. I allready gave my neighbour some of mine, when I rearranged my tank yesterday :slfg:

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Okay here's my two newest tanks, both are very basic but I'm still playing around. Plus I now have a little live plant (and I havnt killed it yet!!)

Sorry for the awful pictures!

Kitchen tank:

I'm not overly happy with the layout - plan on getting plants for the back, but I love the gravel :D


Bedroom tank:

I wanted something very basic and low maintenance. Came up with this zen look - very happy with it. My first go with sand! :happy1:


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