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who layed the eggs...


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righty oh

just purchased a few angles could or could not be breeding pair (one was fat) i put them in the tank with a few kribensis and male and female brislenose any way one of the angles disapeared and i heard it going to town behind a rock thinking it was stuck i lifted the rock to see a tone of eggs.

so ive googled it but they all tend to look the same... :cofn:

im thinking they are not the kribs as they looked to big for a little fish

didnt think it would be the bristle nose been on a smooth rock

or could the angle have droped them ?

the eggs were bright orange and each egg is about 2mm and about 50-80 eggs

help any body?


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Kribs eggs are orange too and surprisingly big for such a small fish..

Kribs could have laid them between some rocks and by the way you are describing it sounds like the angel found someone else eggs and had itself a nice feast!

It was the butler who did it!! no wait I mean the kribs :slfg:

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they look just like the picture supplied of the bristole nose eggs. there all in one clump as aposed to the picture of kribs eggs. they could be bigger than 2mm .

Probably bristlenose then. Makes sense if they were under something too. Usually the male will find a cave of some sort(its not uncommon for them to bury under things if the substrate is right) and spawn with the female. He then protects the eggs.

Are you wanting to hatch them? Put them in a net breeder/guppy trap sort of this with a gentle airstone, or another tank with no fish if possible

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Kribs eggs are orange too and surprisingly big for such a small fish..

Kribs could have laid them between some rocks and by the way you are describing it sounds like the angel found someone else eggs and had itself a nice feast!

It was the butler who did it!! no wait I mean the kribs :slfg:

hahah so i was right josh :sage: :rotf:

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