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Bought a 6 foot tank-help on stocking


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i still REALLY want an arowana...

that REALLY doesn't change the fact that even the smallest arowana is going to get to over 60cm if housed properly. My green was looking big in my 180x75x60 tank after only two years, even though Scleropages are often thought of as "smaller" than their south american cousins they still need a really large tank. Maybe you need to go visit henward to get a feel for how big a 50cm+ arowana really is, a 6x2x2 may seem like a huge tank to you but it really isn't adequate for keeping active fish that have the potential to get to 3'.

There are plenty of cool "monster" fish you could keep in that tank; dats, bichirs, bgk, large cichlids (jag, festae), fire/tyre track eel, etc etc, just not an arowana. Be realistic.

As for the sump, get reading....

http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forum ... y.php?f=29

http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forum ... .php?f=337

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would this be good as a sump-to make...what size tank would i use??? 2ft?

Did you do any research on the links I posted (or ryanjurys one)? There are countless ways to do a "sump" and so many variables that you need to work out for your application if you want it to work well. Its one of those things that you really need to learn for yourself rather than asking people to spoon-feed you the information and hoping you get it right. Why do you want a sump? Mechanical filtration? Bilolgical or other filtration? Increased capacity? Sole method of filtration or working in conjunction with something else? How heavily stocked is your tank going to be? How much media does it need to hold? What other equipment needs to go in there? How big a return pump will you be using? How much flow/turn over? Will the size hole you have in your overflow be sufficient for that? How big is the skim from your overflow? How much spare capacity will the sump need to hold this when the power is switched off? Do you want to drill the sump for an auto water changer or continuous drip system? How much room do you have under your tank/stand? How much noise can you handle the sump making?

I could post plans and dimensions for all sorts of different sumps (or you could find the many times I've already posted them with a quick search) but unless you have run through all those questions then chances are they might not be suitable for your application. That is why I'm saying do the research yourself rather than just asking what to do....


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red belly pacu are not suitable for any aquarium. they shouldn't be sold to anyone!

completely illogical, ridiculously large, idiotic, ugly, troublesome and just unnecessary fish.

in fact, i just bought two of them... :sml2:

good thread bro, i just bought a tank exactly the same size, i had my eye on the one you bought but went for one with a metal stand.. 800 or so kilograms on a stand next to my bed kinda makes me nervous lol

you should get one or two oscars. they are great fish, they grow fast, have character, and your tank would be perfect size for two of them. then you can get a pleco and some other small american cichlids for the oscars to chase around hahha.

i have 2 med/large oscars, 1 large dempsey, 1 pleco, and small convict, angel, jewel, dempsey, gold severum (cool fish) and about to add two baby pacu (which will be removed once they get too big) and i am super happy with my little community!

don't get an aro, well, at least not yet....

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just bought:

2 pinktail chalceus

2 tinfoil barbs

1 oscar


good choice of fish for the tank. and i reckon i got a fair idea who sold them to you.. :gigl:

those 4 will definitely keep the oscar very busy (and probably super frustrated at not being able to catch them) oh and don't forget a pleco. you gotta have a pleco...

good stuff, show us some pics when you can


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