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Dwarf Puffers are definitely not community fish and are best kept in a small species setup. Some people do keep them in larger community tanks with success, but it is not recommended. Dwarves are vicious little critters and will nip the fins off just about any other fish. They are capable of killing tank mates much larger than themselves with their relentless picking and nipping. Also, their small size can cause them to be eaten by larger fish. If you're going to keep dwarves, plan to provide them with their very own tank. There are a few tank mates that can be successfully kept with dwarves, though, and are worth mentioning:

•Otocinclus - Known as "otos" in the aquarium trade, these little guys are an excellent addition to a dwarf puffer tank. Almost everyone who has tried them has successfully kept them in a dwarf tank with little to no problems. They remain small and do not attract much attention to themselves. They are also algae-eating machines! Learn all about them here.

Above is quoted from here http://www.dwarfpuffers.com/

In general, almost all kind of puffers is fin nipper. Or large spiecies can eat another fishes. Dwarf puffer is tiny but is also fin nipper. They nips a caudal fin (tail fin) of another kind of fish and even fellows. They does it when they are hungly, so you can keep another some kinds with them if you could feed enough and didn't make them hungly.

In my experience, Otocinclus can be kept with them. At the first time I introduced Otos into the puffer tank, dwarf puffers nipped the caudal fin of Otos. But gradually Otos would swim away when puffers come around thier backward. Otos might learned from the pain...? Now, they have getting along (or ignoring each others).

and the above is quoted from here http://www.dwarfpuffers.com/rensaquarium.htm

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