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my new 4 foot setup


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After 14 years of tropical fish I have decided to go marine.

The tank is 210 litre 4 footer. (170 litres actual, the rest is now equipment and lots of coral.

The equipment

3 x Via Aqua 360 power heads (372 litre per hour at nozzle)

1 x Via Aqua 1300 power head (1,100 l/h at nozzle)

1 x Fluval 304 external filter (about 800 l/h)

300 watt Aqua one heater

1 x Wierpro protein skimmer (arriving tomorrow, clips on tanks back)

1 x Aqua one 250 air pump

2 x 3 foot marine glows with 2 x 150 watt metal hilides to come (14,000 kelvins)

Yes I don't have a sump!! Due to the design of my stand. Will i have any problems due to not having a sump. And more improtantly how should i deal with them.

Any helpful hints would be appreciated

Ps I know I made heaps of spelling mistakes...

Cheers ru

I will add photos at a latter stage

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Welcome to the marine world. :)

As for having a sump they are an asset.They are mostly used as a place to put all your equipment ,ie protien skimmer,pumps, heaters, and so on.They are good as you dont have so much stuff hanging on and inside your tank.They are good for adding top up water and adatives also.

Good Luck.

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Welcome to the club!

Why are you adding the Fluval? They are only useful for putting carbon etc in, you dont want biological filtration (should also remove and sponges if your powerheads have them) cause this produces nitrates (bad bad bad). Yes it's hard to get you head around after going from fresh water! Your filtation should basically just be live rock (removes nitrates) and skimmer (removes proteins (fish pooh etc)) before they turn to nitrites.

I have been running with out a sump for 8 odd months, you don't 'need' one but it sure makes life harder without it. Put in new setup yesterday, have put in a sump, already glad I did.

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I did wonder about selling the fluval but the guy at the fish store said I should keep it and use it.

I thought it was strange, although I may help water clarity.

I have heaps of coral and the protein skimmer.

Do you guys think I should remove it.

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I run my tank on powerheads and cannister filters. I would have sponges on the powerheads. If you clean them regularly they will not be a problem. If you have a sea anemone it is a matter of when, not if, it walks into one. If they are the AquaOne powerheads without sponges, I think you can buy them as a part (sponge and filter attachment).

Am I correct in assuming that when you say you have heaps of coral it is just coral rock not living coral at this stage?

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I agree anemone's and power heads dont mix well (or maybe mix too well!) in my new tank I have put in a closed loop with a 1060 and SCWD plus a second 1060 from the sump, so hopefully wont need to use any powerheads.

But in general unless you need lots of mechanical filtation (and I can't see why you would) sponges dont add anything positive, just extra cleaning.

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Sounds like a great idea, would you need to take it out the rock and rinse the rubbish off to stop it turning into too much of a NO2-NO3 converter?

Has this been done before? It sounds like a great way to get high flow over some live rock, why haven't I seen it before, is there a down side?

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  • 3 months later...

The main problem with canister filters is that they are a pain in the arse to maintain, and thus they end up NOT being maintained, and cause more trouble than they are worth.

Yes, the best use is for occasional mechanical filtration, but you must change the media very frequently. If it just becomes a garbage bin then all you are doing is passing your water over garbage several times an hour. And thats worse than not doing it at all.

Another thought is filling it with crushed live rock? What are peoples takes on that? Would it just get clogged up ?

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