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Freshwater Import list


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It depends on your interpenetration..

The allowable list of species into the country could be reffered to as the allowed import list.

The list of fish available from NZ wholesalers is usually called "the list" or the wholesale list, obviously they are not the same..

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Hi all

Any got a link to the current import list?



he is asking for the import list which has been linked to above.

i expect he meant the wholesale list from the word "current" but it could have been the import list.

was it in fact the import list you wanted james?

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Approach your local petshop and ask them to see the wholesale list some guard them like they are top secret some will just fold the price over (again like this is a big secret) and show them to you. Make sure you ask for all the lists some will only have current lists from one wholesaler there are quite a few, brooklands, aquarius, highways etc.. Also remember that the names used on the list (especially for cats and cichlids) are just random common names and may not actually be what is available you may order it and get something completely random instead.. Good luck :)

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