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have a fishtank which has 11 large Tetras red-eye and peguion and 3 Bristle nose catfish, 14 fish total, 160 litre tank. But one thing that is becoming very prominant is the number of snails in the tank. tank is about 3 to 4 months old. How many sorts of snails are out there?, how do i get rid of the snails? are the snails helping the tank run so well? is there a tropical fish that eats snails. Thanks in advance. :dunno:

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have a fishtank which has 11 large Tetras red-eye and peguion and 3 Bristle nose catfish, 14 fish total, 160 litre tank. But one thing that is becoming very prominant is the number of snails in the tank. tank is about 3 to 4 months old. How many sorts of snails are out there?, how do i get rid of the snails? are the snails helping the tank run so well? is there a tropical fish that eats snails. Thanks in advance. :dunno:
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waterlogged answered some of your questions.

How many sorts of snails are out there?

Quite a few of varying shapes and sizes. 4 or 5 are most common

How do I get rid of the snails?

Stop feeding so much. Snails become a problem when you overfeed the fish.

Squish them against the glass

Weight down a lettuce leaf each night and remove it, hopefully covered in snails, in the morning. Shake snails off and repeat.

Are the snails helping the tank run so well?

Snails can be good as they move through the substrate and help aerate it.

Snails are scavengers so help keep the tank clean (when in smaller numbers. Too many and they create more waste than they clean).

Is there a tropical fish that eats snails?

Various loaches

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