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Gutted for you Ryan. As per what Bilbo said. You have helped out many people over the years and it is great to see people offering fish. I can help you out with some Agassizi females if you happen to lose any of these...

Good luck mate.

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Sorry to hear about your loss Ryan, I know how distressing and heartbreaking it can be.

A similar thing happened to my daughter. In her teens she had a tank full of guppies she had been breeding for over 2 years. She added a lovely black male (she had been looking for one for several months and the source was reputable) and within 12 hours all the fish were dead, except the original fish who was still fit and healthy. Again, quarantining wouyld have done nothing to prevent all the other deaths and we guess he had some infection he was immune to but to which the other guppies had no immunity. She has never kept fish since :cry:

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:tears: omg that is terrible &c:ry

probably the worst story of fish losses I have ever heard!

Did you contact the place you got the fish from? surely they would have experienced the same losses? an sold the fish on regardless?

terrible news dude, don't give up!

Went back into the store told them what happened, they were not even willing to help me out with buying some meds to try not impressed really.. I know they must get it all the time but they know how many tanks I have and that I know what I am doing with my fish... Getting out there today to clean the tank out and start sorting things so I can move some other fish into it so it doesn't look so bare, will have 4 5x2x2ft tanks empty after wiping those 2 out :(

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Yeah was thinking of a big dwarf tank for one of them wouldn't mind doing some plants and stuff, maybe cockatoos, kribs, agassizi, dwarf flags and some schooling fish.. Only time will tell, gotta get this one cleaned out and some fish it in first it is depressing!

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I can imagine how depressing it is dude! I lost 3 fish in the quake an that was pretty gutting.can't imagine losing that many fish raised from fry would be heartbreaking

YES YES YES :happy1: to the dwarf tank, It sounds like a mint idea! have it awesomely planted with DIY co2 & ferts... would be pretty amazing in a tank of that size! :nilly:

I tried to do something similar but my peacocks are plant DESTROYERS :an!gry

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Oh Ryan I am so sorry to hear of your loss :tears: I am reasonably new to the fish world and this is a very valuable lesson for me I will never buy fish from a pet shop now I have 6 kribs 6 rainbow bosemina 7 electric yellows and 1 large pelco I know it is an unusual mix they are all fry except the pelco and am hoping they will all get on together as they are growing up together the Rainbow and the yellows like a ph of 8 I have done a lot of reading and that seems to be ok for them the kribs I have read like a ph of 6 to 7.5 and then some say they can go to a ph of 8 so will see if it works my tank is 8 any how you keep your chin up and before you know it you will be all set up again I will be keeping an eye on your posts Joy

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Yeah was thinking of a big dwarf tank for one of them wouldn't mind doing some plants and stuff, maybe cockatoos, kribs, agassizi, dwarf flags and some schooling fish.. Only time will tell, gotta get this one cleaned out and some fish it in first it is depressing!

Yes definately do a dwarf setup :happy1: I have been reading a book about dwarf cichlids that I'm borrowing off of Caryl, and it says that if you are planning to set up a commuity dwarf cichlid tank to use a rule of 1 pair per square foot unless the tank is heavily planted (and then you could stock it with a bit more dwarfs). A 5x2x2ft tank = 10 square feet, so approx. 12 pairs if you plan on going heavily planted.

Here's what I'd do :D

1 pair of Apistogramma agassizii

1 harem of Apistogramma cacatuoides

2 harems of Apistogramma macmasteri

2 pairs of Laetacara curviveps

3 pairs of Microgeophagus ramirezi

2 pairs of Pelvicachromis taeniatus

And then add a whole heap of Cardinal Tetras, Kitty Tetras and Emperor Tetras.

And for plants, just anything random that you can get your hands on :D

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