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Sucky food


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i put one in my old tank for my big pleco it was the yellow variety. i just jammed the whole thing in a hole in the background after one week i went and had a look normally it would be gone within a week . the pleco had made a hole in the side and hollowed it out and was living in it

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i put one in my old tank for my big pleco it was the yellow variety. i just jammed the whole thing in a hole in the background after one week i went and had a look normally it would be gone within a week . the pleco had made a hole in the side and hollowed it out and was living in it

Did you tell it to stop playing with its food? :lol:

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Nice one, Ira.

I've got half an ice cream box in the freezer of prawns which have been meticulously trimmed of any sharp bits, halved and stuffed with Hikari pellets. Took me more than 2 hours, but I won't have to do it again for another 2 months (I hope!)

If only I were this onto-it with other aspects of my life (eg uni) lol! :bounce:

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