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Thinking about putting a tall thin stack or arch of live rock in my new setup, was wondering about drilling a hole through the rock and using a plastic hose or rod to support it. Is this a stupid idea? Has anyone tried drilling live rock, can it be done with a normal style drill bit or would I need a masonary (sp) bit? Also open to other suggestions, I want to give the tank a bit more dimension so I dont end up with a flat wall of rock.

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Will be using live rock so will be wet but planning on doing it out of the water. Did think about cable ties but want to do a tall stack with single rocks on top of each other and was thinking it would be hard to get it solid enough, i.e. not wobbly. Was also worried about murphies law and silcon, i.e. bottom joint letting go and the whole lot falling

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use the epoxy stuff between the rocks, sets like a rock compared with silicone and is reef safe. Also coraline grows on it.

not sure about attaching it to the bottom though you could build a pvc pipe "base" which is somewhat wider then the lowest rock, and attach that to the bottom rock, covered in sand the support would be invisable.

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The expoxy is not strong enough to attach rocks together. It may stop them from sliding, but not strong enough to support s structure.

Suphey, drill holes, use curtain rods, cable tidies etc.

If you want it to stick to the base, silicone it, this will work. Lots of stuff on RC about aquascaping 'overhangs', tall narrow bommies etc. Silicone, cable tidy, curtain rods seem to be the most common.


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I was planning on putting a bigger rock on the bottom to make it more stable or join it at the top to the main rock formation. Thanks for the advise so far. The holes are going to need to be quite long, before I invest in a drill bit has anyone tried drilling, do I need a masonary drill bit or is coral rock soft enough to drill with a long wood bit say?

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