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how do i feed fry, when they are parent raised


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i have left angelfish fry with thier dad, they are now 8 nearly 9 days old. i have only got liquid fry food and whenever i drop some near them (they clinging to the glass) dad freaks out and they all go flying of the glass with the current made from him :facepalm: , then he gets them all and moves them somewhere else. ive never done this before and dont want them to starve how do you do it? live bearers are so much easier!!! :nilly:

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i dont currently have any access to any live food at the moment , might put a wtb thread. but he freaks out if i go anywhere near them? when i lift the lid anything? im to scared to do a water change beause he was in a mad panic and sent them flying! nearly sucked some up

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Just keep feeding the adults they will break up food some food for the babies, also crush up food and use that liquid fry stuff. If you need to direct it more to the babies then goto the pharmacy and buy a syringe and stick the food and some water in a cup suck it up and squirt it in their direction.

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