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new tank, happy with layout :D (photos)


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Hey all, ive been talking for a while now about my "new tank" and I finally got it, now ive got some pics for all the people who I promised photos to. :lol:

Im extremely happy with my tank, it looks a million times better in real life (a fully curved face makes photos extremely difficult) but as always im still looking for ways to improve so please let me know your opinions!

Here are the pics :happy1:



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Looks very nice - how much of the back is covered with the rock wall? I suspect its more than appears in the picture. What sized tank is it?

Rock wall is almost all of the left hand side wall, theres approx 10cm from the front edge in towards the back corner where theres not rock wall, and the entire right hand wall is just glass, though it looks incredibly reflective :)

The tank is a UFO880 - 305 litres :D

I like the geos the most in there.

Hehe, they are my latest additions and I love them :D:D:D:D

I think you need to add a few amzon swords along the back, just for some greenery :lol:

Yes, Im looking for plants that arent extremely "stemmy" like the ones that are in there at the moment.. they are ok at the moment, but they get big and ugly really quickly... plus being such a tall tank i think the lower shrub type plants look the best.. I want something like swords in the background and a nice short broad sort of plant in the foreground, maybe with a few bits and pieces added in,

how deep a substrate should I have? its not very deep at the moment... and im thinking its too shallow, ive got another 10kg bag sitting here, but ive already got fish and wood in. lol any ideas / thoughts??

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Yes, Im looking for plants that arent extremely "stemmy" like the ones that are in there at the moment.. they are ok at the moment, but they get big and ugly really quickly... plus being such a tall tank i think the lower shrub type plants look the best.. I want something like swords in the background and a nice short broad sort of plant in the foreground, maybe with a few bits and pieces added in,

how deep a substrate should I have? its not very deep at the moment... and im thinking its too shallow, ive got another 10kg bag sitting here, but ive already got fish and wood in. lol any ideas / thoughts??

Another 10kg would be a good addition. you want 3-5cm for plants (room to add root balls without them showing) but the geos will do a good job of moving it all around. Maybe some crypts in the front?

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Another 10kg would be a good addition. you want 3-5cm for plants (room to add root balls without them showing) but the geos will do a good job of moving it all around. Maybe some crypts in the front?

Thanks, theres only 15kg in there at the moment and its looking very shallow.. is there any precautions etc regarding adding substrate when theres fish in the tank? Removing the rocks and the wood wont be a problem.. though I may only remove the little rocks and start to bury the bigger rocks a little bit, give it more of the natural look.. :)

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Its called "Midnight" gravel, similar to the Midnight Express stuff, i bought it off trademe from petstuf101 ltd, they are a store but im not sure exactly where they are located, hamilton? i think..., i have their contact details if anyone is interested?

Weathers turned to crap so I might wait before washing up the rest of the gravel.. If you buy from these guys it pays to measure the amount, the last sack i have that says 10kg on it, actually only has nine, they sent me 2kg extra to compensate for it though which was great customer service on their behalf, and good for me too! :D

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