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New with a question too


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Hi! I'm new.

Im 16 and aquired a tropical fish tank about a year ago. it's only 22L and had 4 tiger barbs in it which I have recently sold. I now am at a point of choice. Should I buy a friend for my male bristle nose catfish and do platys and neon tetras go together and if not what does go with platys that are colourful ????

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Hi there, welcome.

You may want to stay clear of two bristlenose in a tank of that size as they get very messy as they get bigger. I have a breeding pair in a 60L by themselves and they need some serious filtration to keep their waste from building up.

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if you get young females you might be ok. personally I like the body shape of the females better and would choose females over males but that comes down to preference. You could always sell off / give away fry until the females stopped producing - would take 1 -3 months max.

The young females don't tend to have huge broods either.

The babies are really very cute - cuter than guppy babies.

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