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new 8ft tank


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so if i can sell my 4ft stand i will hopefully be getting an 8ft tank (if i can convince my parents ) anyway the tank will be made out of starfire glass (ultra clear) by greg at tanks2u the dimmentions are 2440 X 700 x 700 mm it will hold roughly 1200L , i and hoping to get a fluval fx5 for it , and i am wanting to do big fish i.e oscars, jags etc

now come the questions :

1. will my floor in my room be able to handle the weight ? the concreat is 100mm thick (so ive been told )

2. what is the best way to spread the weight ove the floor ?

3. i was hoping for it to be a disply tank, so i would like a wooden stand is that possible?

4. any suggestions to what i could put in the tank ( im only 16 so can afford realy expensive things i.e red aro which i would love)

any advice will be very helpfull , and thanks in advance :D

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so if i can sell my 4ft stand i will hopefully be getting an 8ft tank (if i can convince my parents ) anyway the tank will be made out of starfire glass (ultra clear) by greg at tanks2u the dimmentions are 2440 X 700 x 700 mm it will hold roughly 1200L , i and hoping to get a fluval fx5 for it , and i am wanting to do big fish i.e oscars, jags etc

now come the questions :

1. will my floor in my room be able to handle the weight ? the concreat is 100mm thick (so ive been told )

2. what is the best way to spread the weight ove the floor ?

3. i was hoping for it to be a disply tank, so i would like a wooden stand is that possible?

4. any suggestions to what i could put in the tank ( im only 16 so can afford realy expensive things i.e red aro which i would love)

1- it will be fine. it will be around 1100L if you fill it to the brim.

2- a good design for the stand

3- steel stands are best for this sort of tank IMO, it will weight at least 1500kg when full.

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so is there anyway i can add wood to make the stand into a cubboard , but the basic strature will be steel

easily, the same way you would clad a timber framed stand just a thinner material to fix through. a timber one is possible but it would need so much framing & bracing it may reduce the use of storage inside.

what is your budget? i would guess i'd spend the following setting it up: tank $600, 2 FX5 $1000 or sump & pump $300, steel stand $350, lights $500, panels & hood $300 & this is with building/fitting them myself. so between $1500 & $2500 would be a realistic amount i think with all the other bits & pieces you will need & depending on what you buy new or used.

IMO for a tank of this size a large budget is need. the tank will best be filtered by a sump & placed on a steel stand. What fish are you intending to keep? depending on what you want a narrow & shorter tank may be a better idea. I recently set up a 2000x450x450 which provides great length but it is only around 400L so two cf1200's are more than enough for filtration & a timber stand is perfect for supporting it. it will also be alot cheaper to get running but is still almost 7 foot long.

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my budget is 1500 to set it up, but im very lucky that my grandad is a builder and my uncle can weld so i might be able to get help from them , and i already have the lights i have 1 4ft double t5 54w fitting and 1 4ft single fitting (giving a bright and dull area for fish

the fish i am looking at are oscars, jags , severn, plecos , maybe a knife, and maybe an asian aro later on down the track

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What thickness is the glass you're planning to use?

Here's some quick calcs from these pages:



For a Safety Factor of:

3.8 = 15.85mm glass

2.5 = 12.85mm

Safety Factor for thickness:

12mm = 2.1 safety factor

10mm = 1.5 safety factor

Tanks this size are at extreme risk if the safety factor is under 2.5

As the tank length increases safety factor has to go up.

For commercial situations the recommended minimum safety factor is 3.8

I'd also look at a double height bottom brace around the perimeter on the inside bottom of the tank. This puts the main structural joins in tension rather than shear where the silicone is very weak.

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ok the glass is going to be 12mm and the design is up to greg who is a professional

He may be a professional but does he calcualte the glass thickness required, go by gut-feel or just use experience? A tank this size with a safety factor of only 2.1 is a risk. If you are happy to take the risk, by all means go ahead. I certainly wouldn't build another tank under 3.8 safety factor. Make sure you get a warranty and be sure your insurance covers water damage in case the tank fails. It probably won't fail as there are many tanks built with dangerous safety factors that seem to last ok.

I wonder how many tanks that broke in the Christchurch earthquake would have survived if their safety factor had been good...

I've been asked by insurance companies before about claims made where aquariums had broken. In one case an aquarium had been made by a glass merchants who did no calculations and went just by gut feel. They made a 1200mm wide 900mm tall tank out of 6mm glass. When it broke at about 90% full they remade the tank out of 10mm glass. The tank lasted for 1 week after being installed and it broke as someone walked past it. It cracked diagonally down the front. It didn't do too much damage to their appartment but did damage the 2 appartments below quite badly. This tank had a safety factor of 1.64. There are many tanks around with safety factors less than this. The main reason they survive is because they are not very tall and usually quite small.

Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have seen a fish tank on trademe made by greg and it was listed as "repaired" when i read the tank dimensions and saw the glass thickness i literally bowed my head down in shame.

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =340167342

I would double check everything before you go ahead with making this tank, make sure you get it made properly and how you want it

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I have seen a fish tank on trademe made by greg and it was listed as "repaired" when i read the tank dimensions and saw the glass thickness i literally bowed my head down in shame.

http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =340167342

I would double check everything before you go ahead with making this tank, make sure you get it made properly and how you want it

is that the tank you are referring to made by Greg? 12mm gives a safety factor of 2.2 which isn't bad at all.

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The tank front glass is 2100mm x 900mm

Actually, the safety factor of that tank when filled to the top is only 1.185 which is probably why it broke... Wouldn't touch it unless you only plan to fill it to 700mm or less.

Even a safety factor of 2.2 on a tank this size is far too low.

The add even says the front glass broke and had been repaired in Q&A section...

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