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What would cause this??


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Hi there,

Tonight before going to bed I noticed one of my three goldfish in a 150litre tank looked like she just came out looser of a recent bar fight. :nilly: She was visibly a mess with blood all over her. The other two were all merry looking so left them to it.

I did a water test thinking perhaps Ammonia or Nitrates but that is all fine, (a bit worried as she had blood around her gills). Tested everything else in the water and that was all clear. So the only thing I can think of is some trauma happened to her, like maybe she really did have a bar fight, as her tank mates and water are fine. What are your opinions. There is only a jug ornament in the tank, no sharp jagged edges, there is sand instead of gravel, so nothing she could scratch herself up on imo. What are your opinions?

(I currently have her separated and treating her with furion to cover the possibility of septicemia).

Also I apologize for any gender mess up, the fish "Blue" is a she not he, and also sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors, its nearly 3am and I have been busy making Blue comfortable for the night.

Will attach photos, blurry though due to not great macro camera.*sigh* :tears:



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Thanks for your feedback, I hope someone else is able to respond with their thoughts. I too also thought septicemia, as my other fish had it a last year and pulled through.

She is currently swimming in Furion spiked tank so fingers crossed she will pull through too.

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