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A big Mystery


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I came back from my week long holiday and did my water change today. I found several pieces of silver while gravel vaccing, and was most facinate by what it could be. I did a head count and found all my fish present except for one little otto. Upon further gravel vaccing I found the teeny little piece of tail of an otto. I got six ottos just before we left, had them for three days before we left and all was well. Now I am wondering did it perhaps die from the stress of the drive from north shores hollywoods and then got munced by all in the tank, or was it murdered and why :o

Other tank mates include

Harlequins, Rummynoses, Bristlenose, chocolate zebra, glass catfish. cherrie barb and ofcourse other otto's

No who did it, my husband thinks it was the lady with the red dress in the study with a candlestick :nilly:

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I also had one go down when I first introduced my group of five ottos... it didn't disappear though because I noticed the Cories going nuts at one point of the tank, and on closer inspection was the dead otto... which I removed... my Cories weren't happy with me!

So I'd say in your situation one died, and was "transferred" into the other fish :roll:

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Gosh I am starting to think that its a tradition with them to sacrifice one so the others can live happily ever after. How come just one dissapears everytime when they are new :o

after doing some exhaustive research into this mystery i think i may have found a clue to what is going on

the Vulcan Dr Spock on star trek said "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one"

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