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Miracle Mud


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Layton, what do you know about silica sand in relation to the release of silicates?

It doesn't. Silica (silicon dioxide) is classed as insoluble, as it should be, otherwise I'd be worried about my glass slowly dissolving :D . But depending on the source of the sand it may be contaminated with small amounts of silicates. You could test if you were paranoid.


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Wow Reef, you are getting some really good growth. I can’t get anything to grow in my mud just yet and it’s been going about a week longer than yours. In fact, I’m getting really good at killing some initially nice looking algae. :evil:

I’ve almost completed the tank move and addition of the new sump, which is designed more appropriately for the MM system, i.e. size, flow, lighting, etc… I’m hoping that this will bring some of the algae growing success that you are having.

I’ve read a few threads on RC where guys have had a bit of a hard time getting their algae started, but then it takes off like CRAZY. Pictures of your fuge gives me renewed faith!

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the algae is going well, cant wait to get the whole sump covered. i think you might need more light steve, i run 4x54w t5s,

also the important thing is to get over 4000l of water going into the sump. i also put a power head in my sump.

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Tank Results as at 11/2/2005

nitrate 2ppm

po4 .19ppm

No major changes , but the po4 is still the same. Which is good considering i am only running a 1/4 of my skimmers capacity.

Real funny that it is .19ppm again using the photometer ,as what are the odds of reading the same 3-4 times in a row.

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I have a bottle of Reef Solutions (Miracle mud additive) which I am dosing a small amount of daily to my frag tank.

Does seem like a good product, if I forget to do it stuff does not look quite as good, and then they pick right back up as soon as I dose.

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heard it is dug up from the hillside in California

Sure it might be. Just like zeolite which is dug up somewhere .

snakes are expensive and you only get a little oil from each......
why would it be snake oil peter.??

It states on the bottle that it is minerals and vitamins.

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It makes a noticeable difference.

I suspect it may also add to nutrient load, so need to balance the two.

The thing I've got that it effects the most is caulastrea, they puff right up for the day if I dose it.

Other hassle with it is you have to keep it in the fridge. Another invasion of my hobby into my wifes turf :wink:

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