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Need another plant for my low tech tank


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All being well, on the weekend I will permanently move my filter to the back corner of the glass (currently residing on an island due to noise when set up initially - don't ask me how but the vibration noise has gone away...) and I will get a good 20cm square worth of gravel back for another plant. Click here for my thread viewtopic.php?f=15&t=48110&start=45 and skip to page 4, the post at 911pm Sat Nov 27 so you will get an idea of the spot I want to fill. It’s pretty much right under the lighting there and gets about 6 hours a day. The tank is low tech but it gets flourish comp’d once a week and there are JBL balls in the gravel.

My plan for that area was something tallish (plant could be up to 30cm high) with long/wavy leaves. I do have 2 twisted val plants but it's taking quite a long time to get established. Also have a retrospiralis crypt I could move there but at a rate of no new leaves ever that is happening even slower haha :roll: (willing to trade that if anyone wants). I don’t want a stem plant that I will be pruning or chopping and replanting every other week. Also something not too feathery or will get mulmed by the filter. Another crypt would be fine, or a sword plant of some sort perhaps? More twisted val would be fine if it had good root system – the weaker stuff I’ve bought hasn’t survived.

Now that I have presented quite an exacting criteria, does anyone have any ideas or something suitable for sale? :D 8)

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Hygro difformis is usually fairly easy to find, sometimes you can get it as a marginal plant in the pond section of your garden centre, may take a bit to get it to grow emersed, then it is usually away like a weed, and nice and bushy.

E ozelot I think Alanmin has - can't remember the three numbers after his name, sorry! May need quite high light to grow successfully.

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I'd like to but I've got windelov that has only just started to grow back green after getting blackened if you remember, a 2 leafed scrap of needle java that has grown longer and stayed grubby coloured but not put out new leaves, and some normal java fern that again has only just started to grow green again. They have all been tried in various places close/far from the light and with/without floating plant cover. In the beginning ferns were all I wanted in there, so I got a bunch and attached them to the wood. I'm reluctant to get another beautiful specimen from someone and see it plop out again.

Saying that, the difference between 10 weeks ago and now is that the light is down to 6 hours and ferts back to once a week and no more floating plants. I'm having success with crypts, dwarf chain sword and ambulia though :)

Having plants that threaten to melt on moving also helps me resist rescaping hehe :roll: :lol:

what do you reckon?

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H. difformis needs reasonable light to convert from emersed to submersed. It will sometimes do that in low light if you float it. E. uraguayensis will grow to 600mm and take over your tank but will remain submersed, ozelot needs reasonable light to bring out the colour (the green may be OK but I have not grown it).

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H. difformis needs reasonable light to convert from emersed to submersed. It will sometimes do that in low light if you float it. E. uraguayensis will grow to 600mm and take over your tank but will remain submersed, ozelot needs reasonable light to bring out the colour (the green may be OK but I have not grown it).

Alan, do you have any balansae? Is it suitable for a low tech?


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