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Nice pics but it would be good if you could resize the first two as they are too wide. Resize pics for the forums to 640 x 480 max.

Those single tufts of ambulia (or cabomba) need to be bunched and planted together at the back and the vallis should be further to the back as it will grow very tall.

It will look good once more plants are added and those already planted start to grow. Nice looking fish too.

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hahah cheers guys, i dont know what the skinny plant is, was alot better when i got it, but hasnt really taken off, only just starting to bud out now, i will be getting alot more ambuila etc as soon as wet pets open on monday ( only stink thing about public holidays ).

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Great Pics

I think you could add some broad leaf plants like Amazon sword and Java fern. Both easy to grow and you will be able to get more plants from them when they reproduce.

How many Discus do you have and do they get on well with each other as mine have been prone to bully each other.

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hi mark i will be getting more amazon sword soon, i have 4 discus they get along pretty well the blue diamond seems to get a bit snotty some times, other than that there really good.my little discus stay away from the bigger 3.

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I wonder if that skinny plant with the little leaves sprouting out the top isn't bamboo?

That ambulia you have still needs to be bunched together. It grows much better in bunches than planted in single bits as you have there. You can also chop the tops off and replant them. The bottom bits can be kept if they aren't too scraggly or thrown away if they are. If you keep the bottom bits they grow out the top again quite quickly.

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Nice tank buzzy! Love the drift wood. I have got some soaking and cant wait to get it in....

I have Blue Hygro in my tank it grows really well, nice and tall. Cheap from LFS. When it grows to the surface i cut off a stem about three leave high, trim the bottom pair of leaves right back to about 5mm stalks. This makes an "anchor" and shove it in the gravel. Dunno if its the "right way" but it seems to work. I spent $10 on 5 bunches about 6 weeks ago, started planting another 2foot tank now...

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It is the oddest looking hygrophila I have ever seen then, but possible :D . Where are the rest of its leaves? Are you able to get a better pic of it?

Discus feel more secure with lots of plants and they would love a screen of vallis running along the back.

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