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Lost a clown loach.. how to avoid crushing


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a small clown crushed himself under a rock

they love to burrow.

it burrowed

then the roacked musta moved, died.

I have secured all rocks now, but scared it may happen, made sure the rocks are secured alllll the way to the glass bottom pass the substrate

anything else i should look out for?

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Any small holes/cracks they can wedge themselves into, especially dead-end ones where the fish first in can be trapped by others. Best to avoid holey bits of wood etc and get some big flat pieces of schist to make natural-looking hiding spots where they can't get stuck [like the ones in my tank].

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yeah, i have some but problem si that my substrate is very deep.

will need to ensure the rocks go all the way to the bottom of the substrate, or else they dig under it too

i have removed cracked wood .... found them hiding in one of them - 4 of them fit in a small crack, so amazing,

im down to 74 :(

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I used to have a clown loach years ago (Don't flame me!), and it always hid inside this 1 tiny crack. It couldn't swim out backwards so I had to fish it out. As soon as both wood and loach were back in tank, they became 1 again. :roll:

In the end, I operated on the wood to get rid of the hiding spot.

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we had one at work where one would bury itself inside a small crevice in driftwood. it kinda got stuck in there for days. I ended up using forceps to delicately as possible pull him out, but couple of days later, he was back in there.

Only way as no holes or cracks for them to get into.

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yeah, i just slowly took the out out of water, it slowly come sout

i dont believe there is wood they can get into now.

just digging in sand, i have silica

they love it, you see them playing in it.

lucky it came out.

Ive seen an instance where a piece of driftwood had been left out of the tank overnight, and a loach was still in its hole :(

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