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Smaller sized catfishes


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I really like the look of catfishes, but I also intend to keep mostly small fish so I don't want to get any that would get too large. I am now in the process of setting up a tank of about 190L (less once I include custom BG) so I just want to get some ideas for what smaller sized catfishies are available. I already intend to stock dwarf cories, otocats and perhaps some small kind of loach, a school of around 7 of each type, so I'm looking for a catfish with a different look and slightly larger size, but get no bigger than 12cm max. Are there any small catfishes with longer whiskers available, or at all similar in look to Hoplo catfish or syndotis? Preferably ones that are happy on their own and do not require a school.

Basically I am wondering if we have anything that we can get in NZ that look like this http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/im ... e_id=10290 (in terms of the mouth shape and long barbels, as well as small size). If that style of catfish cannot be found in a small size here, then I'm open to suggestions for other interesting looking catfish around that size that would be happy on their own. Tank dimensions would be 860Lmm x 500Dmm x 440Hmm, PH - Slightly below 7, Temp - Kept at 25 degrees constantly. Other fish in the tank would be CPDs, Otocats, Dwarf Cories, either Kuhli or dwarf chain loach, and either a lone betta or a pair of pearl gouramis. Although, if anyone can give me names of any fish that fit the bill of what I'm looking for I can look up the compatibility info myself :).

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I know its not quite what you're looking for but the spotted hoplos (about 12cm now) I've got don't seem to mind being singular, and I'm keeping them with khulis, dwarf chains, male betta and pearl gourami at the moment without fuss, just that I think these ones max out at about 16-20cm, a little bigger than what you're looking for.

See what the others think too though

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Thanks guys. All the fish mentioned so far are pretty much they 'type' I am hoping to find, still a bit on the big side though, I can see my CPDs becoming food. I'm guessing we can't get http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/sp ... ies_id=284 in NZ? That's the main problem with trying to find available fish using overseas sources.

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Try kuhli loaches, even though they are not catfish.

Already planning to get those :lol:.

Some one mentioned Myctus Catfishies, is it just the one kind that we can get here, or are some of the smaller varieties available? eg. Mystus tengara or Mystus pulcher. Also, I've heard the mention of 'upside-down catfish' before on the forums, would that be Synodontis Nigriventris, and are those available? as from what I could find, they seem to stay small. My main concern with size is I'm worried that larger fish would eat my cpds.

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