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swordtails and platties.


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My friend had a couple of platys and then I gave her a heap of swordtails. Went out there the other day to find a heap of hybrids! i must say they look awesome, big like a sword but really colourful and deep bodied like a platy. The males get tiny swords as well. Next time I'm out I might take some pics. Don't worry everyone, she doesn't sell or trade any fish. The tank is at her parents and they love the colour and they way the fish are so friendly! They are also in love with a brown male bristlenose who lives under a half coconut shell because he comes out then lifts the side of the shell and quickly darts back under.

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hmm interesting discussion here: http://www.tropicalfishkeeping.com/freshwater-tropical-fish/mollies-guppies-cross-breeding-26557/ as well as some pics. they're not saying what ive always thought but they have photographic evidence!

also here: http://www.fishlore.com/fishforum/livebearers/70119-im-confused.html

several years ago I did some research and came up with this:

possible hybrids:

platy X swordtail

platy X molly

platy X guppy

not possible:

swordtail X molly

molly X guppy

swordtail X guppy

but those links i gave you give a more reasonable picture - if they are in the same genus they can hybridize. ie. platy X swordtail, molly X guppy.

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I don't buy it. They will breed with them selves before hybridising. good evidence to support that some species will breed within a species before resorting to hybridizing too.

i agree, they are very unlikely to hybridize if they have a same species option. I think most of the hybrids out there either were intentional or were small mixed groups with no same species partner available (eg 2 female platys kept with 2 male swords)

So imho if you want to avoid hybrids then make sure you have at least a m/f pair of platys and a m/f pair of swords

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I will get some photos next time I'm out there. I remember giving her a few platys, then a heap of swordtails (adults and babies) and the last fish I gave her was one platy. A couple of the platys I bought last time were I believe hybrids to begin with because they had that dull brown colour and horizontal stripes which I have only seen in swordtails but were labeled as platys and not as big. I had a male platy but when i gave them to my friend he went too, there was a couple of platys i couldn't catch and they seemed to always be pregnant for months afterwards so I had to think they were mating with male swordtail but never seen any offspring.

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I always assumed platys and swords could breed as both were Xiphophorus sp. and someone had, in the past, just taken those with the sword and bred them to get the longer sword but, apart from that they were the same fish

not true there are two species of platy (Xiphophorus maculatus & Xiphophorus variatus) and one species of swordtail (Xiphophorus helleri) they are diferent species, just closely related

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