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school has expanded - 75 clown loaches!! :)


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just got another 15 clown loaches last night. total 75 now:D

still thinking, should i have 88 or 101 - still deciding, i guess the logistics of 101 when theya re larger is somewhat harder. the food can also be an issue.

but id ont mind, i love feedin them.

turning into pigs, no they are settled in!! the large ones are just starting to coem out again but the small ones settle quickly!~ schooling and eating like maniacs.

also got some weirder oddballs.

aclled 'saddlebacks' where the mid line and head line connects at the top.

also some 1,2 joins.

http://www.loaches.com/articles/clown-l ... variations

interesting website.

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yeah, i dont know how to get rid of the black algae!!

they keep coming back.

but its ok, looks very natural i guess. they do like swiming through plants though.

they seem to be ok witht he hiding spots, there are 6 major hiding spots.

maybe the light is too bright for htem?

but catch 22, plants need light.

few tangled pieces of wood would be nice, i dont have anymore root systems.

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I had 18 at one stage and they never hid. That was in my old african tank though, so there were plenty 'dither' fish.

So as long as there are other fish in the water with them it'll make them more confident. Light isn't so much of an issue.

You could also try tiger barbs? They look awesome.

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haha, ronnie may still have the record. not sure actually.

i am saving 13 more for when oddballs come up and i will get those.

either 88 or 101. 88 is a lucky number, though im not a believer it will be funny

and 101 means you have more than 100:D

but not sure when i will get those.

just bought the jar, so will hold out for awhile unless a shipment comes in with some oddities.

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Awwww, you guys have got so many of these guys!!!!!!

I only want 3 more to make 8 lol...... but I am trying to be sensible and tell myself I can't!!!!!!!

They are so awesome to watch though and mine are heaps braver now....they only pretend to take off when they see me, but then curiosity gets the better of them and they come back out to make sure they aren't missing anything!!!!!

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clown loaches is a fish you can manage easier.

currently mine are small, i got a 1cm or just under growth in 4 to 5 weeks, i can probably maintain half cm to 1cm max for the next 4 to 6 months maybe 7 to 8 months.

after they reach 4 inches maybe 5 niches, growth is much slower.

to get your clown loaches 30 cms, it will take YEARS. i mean YEARS, a good 5 years, maybe even more. some say a decade plus!

none the less, long term plan is to hav the large clown loaches in a massive tank set up.

long term, i am gonna get a 3000 Litre plus tank. school of 88 or 101 will be perfectly happy in that. a pleco, some mid swimmers.

then maybe (of course thsi is a lon term plan)

maybe a high Grade Red aro/or gold xback in this massie tank wtiht he clown loaches pleco and mid swimmers, maybe dats actually. a few of them 4 to 5.


a school of 8 silver aros, and the clown loaches.

dont nkow yet.

for now, they will be fine in the 1200L, filtration is sufficient.

however when they read 3 to 5 inch average in size. I can see some are growing way faster than others, about 60% are growing fast, the rest are a little bit slower, the food they will eat will be massive amounts haha excited!

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haha! wow dude that is AWESOME! you're the clown king. they look wicked zapping about and you got a couple of beefy ones in there too! flourish excel double dose for the black beard algae.. tho be ready to water change if the clowns react badly.. they're pretty sensitive of course..

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