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whitebait raising


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i have decided that i will raise some whitebait they eat some of the flakes i give them the largest is 6cm's long(i have 6 of them)

and i noticed the other day that 2 of them are totally different looking to the others and they are all around the same size too, the 2 that look different are see thourgh (you can see their hearts) have leopard like spots on their heads and are shier than the others are there different types of whitebait. as i do know that they are fry and grow into larger fish. thx

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This table is useful:

http://www.doc.govt.nz/publications/par ... ification/

Also check the abstract here:

http://yearofthemountains.org.nz/upload ... SFC206.pdf

I think it is page 42-ish. More detail and some pictures, though bear in mind it is about sorting dead fish mostly.

Though 6cm fish might start looking quite different from whitebait.

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