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Anyone else having issues with either Red or Yellow Light(s) Of Death? Got my 60g PS3 from Trade Me in March and have had to get it fixed twice soon to be 3 times, 1st time the seller paid and the 2nd time it was covered by repair warranty. I have the console sitting on a cooler fan, given to me free from the seller. I had thought to scrap it and get a newer model, but not sure if the newer models have the same issue. Any thoughts or suggestions would be grand.

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I've never had any probs with mine, mines an 80g I think. The only time I thought I had a problem like that turned out to be something to do with HDMI settings because at home it was set to HDMI and when I took it to a friends house it needed to be reset because she didn't have HDMI (didn't realise this at the time and was really bummed cos I though it was stuffed)

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I've never had any probs with mine, mines an 80g I think. The only time I thought I had a problem like that turned out to be something to do with HDMI settings because at home it was set to HDMI and when I took it to a friends house it needed to be reset because she didn't have HDMI (didn't realise this at the time and was really bummed cos I though it was stuffed)

Phew that's a relief for you :lol: What did yours do? I've got mine hooked into a HD TV but had the issues prior to that. I had heard that 60g have more tech inside for the backward compatible function which can be a reason for them to overload.

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Play it plenty, but don't generally take it to other peoples houses, the games I usually play aren't the kind that you play as a group :P

Mine just wouldn't switch on, red light of death yes....but I'm thinking for a different reason than the preblem you are having

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I remember the days when you playstation fans used to give us grief for red ring of death. "Ps3 never breaks like the 360" etc etc...

Karma :lol:

Is there any DIY methods?

Karma indeed. Have been reading several blogs from the USA and NZ and Sony take no responsibility at all and quite often when people get their consoles fixed, in USA, they don't even get theirs back instead they get a "reconditioned" console.

Yeah apart from ripping it apart to remove and replace the HD and giving it a good vacuum there isn't much, it last had a "service" 5 months ago. Does this occur in the newer models?

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A for Alpha, B for Bravo, C for Charlie, D for delta..... :lol:

Sucks because when he spent a minute spelling out my mums name, we paid like $3.00 :lol:

Newer PS3s don't over heat. I had one of the first PS3s sold globally and it caught fire one day :lol:

I swear sony must pay people to stay quite about that stuff! Nobody ever hears about it...

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A for Alpha, B for Bravo, C for Charlie, D for delta..... :lol:

Newer PS3s don't over heat. I had one of the first PS3s sold globally and it caught fire one day :lol:

I'm thinking I might have to get a new one bummer that insurance probably won't "cough up", will see what my "fix it man" says. Pity that the movies and saved games can't be transferred or stored to the new console.

Ekkk, just finished watching a You Tube movie series on how to fix RLOD and YLOD...in short I won't be trying that one :-?

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Sucks because when he spent a minute spelling out my mums name, we paid like $3.00 :lol:

I swear sony must pay people to stay quite about that stuff! Nobody ever hears about it...

Quiet? I hear they are very tight lipped about their console issues....even their repair place in Albany are quite vague about such issues.

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On the up side if you get a new one..... they are not too bad a price these days and much bigger HD....but yeah, bug bummer about being unable to TF games, movies etc, but ya never know one day your busted one might come alive long enough for you to DL everything to a memory stick hehe.......

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On the up side if you get a new one..... they are not too bad a price these days and much bigger HD....but yeah, bug bummer about being unable to TF games, movies etc, but ya never know one day your busted one might come alive long enough for you to DL everything to a memory stick hehe.......

Totally!! Just have to price me Revenge of the Fallen game out of it's cold grip.

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Yeah, that is the sucky thing..... I'm hoping to settle in this weekend and have a God of War marathon...... have managed to borrow 1&2 off someone so want to get these out of the way before I get the 3rd one...... love getting new games to play!!!

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I played the demo the other day, its so cool..... my workmate just gave me the GOW 1&2 now....I wanna go home right now and play....hmmmm, maybe I can suddenly come down with some flu like symptoms....."cough, cough"

Yeah you don't look well in your photo, maybe you should take the day off tomorrow?? Oh and good news, my "fix it guy" is going to repair the PS3 under their special service warranty (no charge) which is great since my insurance company didn't want to know. Phew!!!

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