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Finally some photo's of my fish :)


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Thank you Hellen for letting me use your tank!

It was a bit of a mission getting these, what started out as a simple catch and photo ended up with a Galaxidd jumping out the tank and a shrimp escaping into a pool of water at the bottom of the garden (I had to wait till I came home from work at 11:30pm to catch him). Lots of fun though!

Heres a shrimp...


What I assume to be an Inanga...




And I believe a pair of Common Bullies... Which Stella has now identified as Crans Bullies!




There were some photo's of a tiny 1.5cm Koura and a pink finned Crans Bully but they didn't turn out well. Shame. I have the day off Wednesday and I hope I can get some more for you.


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Thank you Hellen for letting me use your tank!

It was a bit of a mission getting these, what started out as a simple catch and photo ended up with a Galaxidd jumping out the tank and a shrimp escaping into a pool of water at the bottom of the garden (I had to wait till I came home from work at 11:30pm to catch him). Lots of fun though!

Heres a shrimp...



Your shrimp is pregnate! :lol:

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Very nice! :)

Your shrimp is indeed pregnant.

Your inanga is indeed an inanga.

Your common bullies look more like Cran's to me.

The head profile seems wrong for commons. I vote Cran's female due to the dent behind the eyes (Cran's feature), blunt head and uncoloured fins (male feature).

This is good though - we know you have a male Cran's, and being non-diadromous.... Cranslets! ;)

How long ago did you last put shrimp in there? Interesting that she is carrying.

All looking very healthy :)

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I suspect it was probably carrying eggs when I caught it. None of the shrimp have been in the tub at the bottom of the garden for more than a couple of months. Some barely weeks.

Awesome, great to hear on the Bullies. I called them Crans at first but changed my mind (doh!)

I have a larger one that is definately a male (pinkish/red tip on the dorsal fins) but the picture was too fuzzy :(

I thought they were Inanga, thats cool. They will be in the pond a year in December and all but 1 are roughly 12 cm long. Strangely the smaller is about half their size, not sure why its been in there as long as the others...

There is a tiny Koura in there too, thought hes only slightly smaller than that Shrimp.

I have the day off on Wed. I may be able to get some more shots then.


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