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C02 in small aquarium


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Hey guys just wondering how much sugar/yeast to put in a diy co2 for a 30-40L tank? i've got a bottol im my large aquarium but thought if i use the same amount in my small one it will be too much. It's pretti much just a tank to grow plants and java moss in but i have a few sick neon tetras i'm currently treating in one half. Any advice?

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I agree about using airstones with CO2 in small tanks but truthfully I have found that DIY in small tanks is just too unstable and not worth the effort or risk. Liquid carbon supplements are very affordable for small tanks of that size and they do just as good a job as CO2.

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Hi there,

I've got a 43L tank (that's excluding gravel etc) with under-gravel filter, DIY CO2 (see Supasi recipe on his blog site) with ceramic diffuser, and 2x 18W CFL lamps. Only air movement from UGF uprisers.

Plants are going nuts (adding Excel and liquid ferts based on EI method www.barrreport.com/showthread.php/3209- ... -EI-dosing) and the pH (which tended to be about 5 or so as water very soft) has stabilised at 6 to 6.5 as the plants became more rampant. CO2 slows during night as it gets cooler then takes off again as kitchen heats up during day, no issues with gasping fish yet. An issue is BBA algae that came on with the addition of lights and is stubborn to get rid of :evil: . I'm just playing around with lights to find the level that works best with the amount of CO2 coming in so light is the limiting factor rather than CO2 and nutrients, hopefully that will settle down algal issues.

Adding CO2 certainly revved up the plants but I'm still trying to sort out the ideal balance in a small tank.

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