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Anorexic fish wasting away


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I have four angel fish in a community tank with silver dollars and loaches. A few weeks ago one of the angels had what appeared to be a swollen bottom with a bit of blood, it cleared up over about a week. but now that angel has wasted away and become extremely skinny. Used to have a red stripe through its eye, but the color has now faded out. its skin looks like shriveled up leather. Overall the fish just looks like a skeleton with skin. When i put food in the tank he is interested and follows it, but never actually seems to eat any of it. None of my other fish seem to be affected. Does anyone know what has caused this, is this contagious, and is it a treatable condition or should i put the fish down?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yep aviverm is the ticket for that it is pretty nasty, you can google them if you want they are called camallanus worms.

Make sure you treat all the fish in the tank and all others that it has come into contact with. Also make sure you treat once do a massive vac out 24 hours later, then treat again in a week to break the cycle. The first treatment may make the fish improve straight away but the worms only get paralysed and then passed to be ingested again and start causing issues later (which is why you vac them up). Also the treatment doesn't kill eggs so you need to treat again in a week to ensure you get anymore that have hatched.

Dosage is 1ml of 23% levamisole per 115L (you can overdose upto 1ml/L so don't stress too much if you do put a bit too much in).

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

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It would not be worth setting up another tank and treating the fish. Angels are cheap.

it would only suffer and success rate would be small i reckon.

I would put it down before it contaminates others.

This is bad advice with camallanus because by the time you see it and it starts affecting the fish it is already very advanced and likely all fish already have it to some degree..

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It startles me how calus people can be saying "Angels are cheep" people get into fish keeping as a passion and want to do everything to help save their fish not just toss them away when the get sick.

Like most sickness most fish will have it to some degree so a broad tank treatment would help with that just keep a eye out for any other fish with the signs of infection

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