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Everything posted by djvant

  1. I have a 350 litre tropical tank full of fish, water level is a max, someone hit the top of the tank and the right hand side support tressel has completely cracked (just the silocone holding the pieces in place) to the point that the front right corner has no effective support (still intact at the back). Should i drain some of the water out of the tank until i get it urgently repaired (whole tressel will need to be removed leaving back right corner without support while its done) or will the change in pressure put the tank at risk of failure? So far has lasted 18 hours with no change in water volume
  2. Ive got 5 silver dollars, 3 ive had about 4 years and the other 2 i purchased just under a year ago. They breed every few weeks, three males and 2 females. One of the younger Dollars is a male that has just started showing his colors when they breed. Since starting to show his colors i think the other males have started picking on him, as has only happened since he started coloring up, not sure as haven't seen them picking on him myself. Has had his fins ravaged, missing top of tail fin, one of front pectoral fin, and anal fin ripped off. He just hangs around the heater in the corner of the tank, except for feeding time and is continually getting heater burns, getting very scarred. All of the other silver dollars are in excellent condition. Are the other males likely to be picking on his now as he matures, if so is there anything i can do to stop it? Will stopping there breeding cycle stop them picking on him, and if so is there any way of stopping there breeding cycle? Or could it be something else? Tank is 350L, other fish include bristle nose, tiger loach, zebra loach, skunk loach, rainbow shark, kribisis, angel fish, lemon tetras and flying foxes
  3. I have a female Steel blue dwarf cichlid, (in own tank with a male, male is fine) thats folding in half and not eating and not realy swimming arround much, how do i save her?
  4. I have a female Steel blue dwarf cichlid, (in own tank with a male, male is fine) thats folding in half and not eating and not realy swimming arround much, how do i save her?
  5. Bum was swollen like a pimple with red stringy bits hanging out
  6. I have four angel fish in a community tank with silver dollars and loaches. A few weeks ago one of the angels had what appeared to be a swollen bottom with a bit of blood, it cleared up over about a week. but now that angel has wasted away and become extremely skinny. Used to have a red stripe through its eye, but the color has now faded out. its skin looks like shriveled up leather. Overall the fish just looks like a skeleton with skin. When i put food in the tank he is interested and follows it, but never actually seems to eat any of it. None of my other fish seem to be affected. Does anyone know what has caused this, is this contagious, and is it a treatable condition or should i put the fish down?
  7. i have zebra loaches, skunk loaches and a horse faced/tiger loach. When i put them in thier current tank they ate all the small trumpet snails in the tank. If i get an apple snail will they eat this too or are they too large?
  8. I have a fully grown brown female bristle nose (about 6 years old) and a small golden male about half her size. They have had babies before which i found by chance when i set up my new tank, they were about 1 cm long that time (i still have all 86 of them in their own tank, brown with gold spots around 3cm long now). They have just had more and he's still in the cave with them, they are around 0.5cm, only hatched in the last week. I'm a bit worried as hes not that big himself and don't want him to starve to death wile looking after the babies, so want to move the babies to the other tank with the 3cm babies. Will it be fine to take the babies off their daddy now or are they to small?, will the new babies be alright with the 3cm ones?
  9. I have 2 green Severums, a male and a female. They have breed a couple of times so far but end up eating the eggs. They were in a tank that just had marble chip base, a few rocks and terracotta pots as caves. In that tank the female was a little aggressive towards the male but otherwise fine. I have put them in a new tank that has gravel base, same terracotta pots and rocks, but i also added vegetation and it has harder water. The Severums are a darker color than in the old tank and the male has become extremely aggressive towards the female to the point that she hides behind a pipe at the back of the tank all day and if she moves he attacks her (her fins are now all torn and she has lots of scales missing) Does his aggression have anything to do with the vegetation, harder water, something to do with hole in the head (which they both have), or is he just over her inability to successfully reproduce? Anything i can do?
  10. My Severums look like they are getting hole in the head. Ive read on the net that a good diet can help prevent hole in the head in them. I am currently feeding them spiralena pellets and nova stick m and nova rift. Is there anything in particular i can feed them or do to help stop hole in the head developing?
  11. I have a Bolivian Ram and want to know is it will be agresive towards other fish, i am thinking of putting it in my tetra tank, but dont want it to kill off all the smaller fish
  12. My angel fish has gone psycho. She has become obsessed with a silk plant, almost like she thinks shes got eggs or babies (which she doesn't). She guards the silk plant and even tries to nibble on it. She attacks anything that goes near it including bristle nose catfish, silver dollars, whip-tail catfish and rainbow shark. has been doing it for about 2 months now, ever since i put them all in their new tank. I have angels in another tank that regularly breed and lay eggs, and she hasn't. Is she just nuts??
  13. I have a pair of angel fish that keep laying eggs, initially in a community tank, but they ate them all after about a day, so i relocated them to their own tank. They have continued to lay eggs in the new tank and eat them after about a day, any ideas as to why (some of the eggs went white but not all)?
  14. I have moved my silver dollars to a larger tank (2 females, 1 male & 2 juveniles), they have been in there for just over a week and one of the females has started spawning with the male. I collected some of the eggs out before the loaches ate them (they are now severely bloated from their feast). Most of the eggs have gone cloudy (presumably I have damaged them getting them out of the tank) about a quarter still look fine, so hopefully babies in a few days. Now that they have started spawning, how often will they do it and what’s the best way to get the eggs out without damaging them?
  15. Hey there you all just wanted to ask anyone if they know if you can get and if you can where to buy a central air system to run twenty take a give or take a few any light would help i cant seem to find anywhere to purchase one thanks y"all
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