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I love my lil eel (Pictures)


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My daughter and I are really enjoying our little half banded spiny eel. He's sooo cute and very friendly, he is quite active during the day and we find him all over the tank.

His name is Skoda by the way and he eats bloodworms from our fingers and he/she recently discovered that guppy fry were food. It took him a few days but after tasting the first one , the rest were gone by the end of the day.

We have been surprised and pleased with how interactive he is.

here's some pictures from some of his hangout spots

meet Skoda, he posed just for you!


keeping an eye on things behind the driftwood


hanging around


yum yum, bloodworms




I wonder what is up there


all clear this side


and this side


this is a nice 'tree' to sleep in


that's where we often find him in the morning, resting in the Indian fern.

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Maybe I can train it not to dig up my plants :o

PVC piping under the gravel is great, but they will still try their hardest to find the spot you least expect. When I first got iggy my fire eel, he was tiny, could fit through the gaps in an AR380 lid, now hes nearly ready for the 800 ltr with the 40cm+ birchirs under a year later.

I feed mine on bloodworms, whiteworms, mealworms, guppy fry and brine shrimp, my zebra spiny is eating ox heart and colourbits too. They steal bolivian ram fry in the most interesting of ways, using their tails as a distraction. The most intelligent fish Ive ever seen by a long shot.

Would stick to the half bandeds unless you want a huge eel, although, I could always take on a couple more in the 8ft if they get to big for ya.

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you looking for some Sam? Im coming up to auckland in a bit with the BFRC I have heaps, could leave it at HFF for you or something like that, just pass some on when you've grown it out.

I'm just debating with P44 over whether or not this is R. rotundifolia or not. But yeah, I could do with a bit more, the little that I have is growing slowly. Only happy to pass it on when I've grown it, that'd be much appreciated :D

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I'm just debating with P44 over whether or not this is R. rotundifolia or not. But yeah, I could do with a bit more, the little that I have is growing slowly. Only happy to pass it on when I've grown it, that'd be much appreciated :D

Alright well we are coming up on the 28th of this month, hitting the fish stores, so Ill leave it at the closet one to you. Im sure they wont mind holding on to it for a bit.

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