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Observations of various fish


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Right now I'm keeping a 30L tank with 7 CPDs, a Fighter and 2 Otos. I'm using my old AR380 as a quarantine tank, and I have a fishless cycle on my other 30L tank which would hopefully be for breeding the CPDs if I can manage it. I have 2 Sparkling Gouramis in the QT atm as I just got them, but they already look settled in and are enjoying chasing each other.

Just a few observations I've noticed about my fish in general:

-The oto cats (and my old GBA) don't touch the brown/red algae I have in my QT, but the Sparklings nibble on it.

-Just got the new fishfood at HFF, all my fish love it, even the Otos, all EXCEPT for the Sparklings who spit them back out... Something must be wrong with their tastebubs :o!

-Double CDPs swim circles, all the way, around each other. Sometimes triple circles. It's so intense! What does it mean?!

-Thought Oto cats like hiding places? Mine seem to be enjoying their home with my CPDs despite it being completely open + a light background (light is being repaired/replaced so the plants aren't growing atm :( ).

And not about the fish per-say but I'm geting a clear case of MTS D:. Started with one, now I have 5, 2 I plan to sell, but then I'm thinking of buying 2 to replace the 2 I'd be selling... Thank god I'm only really a fan of tiny fish, keeps costs down, and I actually have space for them xD.

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Do they spin around in circles all the time? I saw one at the petstore do it and the lady serving me said its some genetic disorder and it needed to me, umm, kulled. But that was animates xD

Nah not all the time, only happens once every few days it seems. It's as though the 2 fish both decide to simultaneously chase each others tails or something. I think it's a display of some sort, but I'm just not sure whether it's are 'we're sorting out the heirachy here' kinda thing or more of a 'wanna spawn ;)?' kinda thing. Heck it many not even mean anything maybe that's how they play. CPDs just seem to enjoy chasing each other around all the time anyway, and it's not just boys chasing girls.

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I used to have a "circle guppy". Well, that's what I called him. For no reason he'd just spin around in his own little circle, like a dog chasing his tail. He grew out of it eventually. But your Danios are probably just showing off :P

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Oh yea there's also one thing I've always wondered. What fish, if any, would actually eat themselves to death? Since keeping fish, so far, I think it's just a myth, all of mine seem to get bored of their food pretty quickly if I feed too much. I supposed the risk is more in polluting their water?

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Oh yea there's also one thing I've always wondered. What fish, if any, would actually eat themselves to death? Since keeping fish, so far, I think it's just a myth, all of mine seem to get bored of their food pretty quickly if I feed too much. I supposed the risk is more in polluting their water?

Fish don't generally eat themselves to death, the risk you run is when you feed fish that have big mouths pellet food and they stuff themselves and then the pellets absorb water expand and pop them..

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Oh yea there's also one thing I've always wondered. What fish, if any, would actually eat themselves to death? Since keeping fish, so far, I think it's just a myth, all of mine seem to get bored of their food pretty quickly if I feed too much. I supposed the risk is more in polluting their water?

well I'm convinced a betta will eat them selves to death if given the oppurtunity! such pigs!

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One of my clown killies will only eat the red flake, he definitely sees and watches the greens and oranges float past, but will only go for the red bits. Reminds me of my flatmate's preference for red/purple skittles/m&ms... and dislike of brown/orange ones.

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One of my clown killies will only eat the red flake, he definitely sees and watches the greens and oranges float past, but will only go for the red bits. Reminds me of my flatmate's preference for red/purple skittles/m&ms... and dislike of brown/orange ones.

Hey, skittles actually taste different if they are a different colour unlike m&ms :P.

So mush misleading stuff about fish out there. 6 second memory my ass.

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Did some tests because my betta just looked 'off' to me. Now readings are Nitrate 5ppm, Nitrite 0, and Ammonia is at WTFGLITTERSPARKLEVAMPIRE!!!!

:lol: Basically I have the bad habit of leaving the chems in the tubes for a while before I clean them. Once I started doing the ammonia test, I must not have cleaned it throughly enough so a thin layer of residue from last time must've become dislodged and reflected the light, pretty, but I'm sure it's not how the results are meant to look. Anyhow retested and Ammonia is at 0.

So lesson learnt, clean your test kit tubes instead of letting them sit. Meanwhile the fish does not look any better, nor any worse. Will have to see how he is in the morning.

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